Reference no: EM132400482
Assignment - Matlab based Project
All work should be in SIMULINK environment
1- First design cube satellite model (with dynamics and kinematic equation).
2- Modeling of actuators (magnetic torque and reaction wheel)
3- Modeling of 4 external disturbances torques (atmospheric drag, solar rad pressure, residual magnetic dipole moment, gravitational filed)
4- Modeling of actuator uncertainties
1- first design PID controller in Simulink to control above plant model
2- Then design a fuzzy logic controller to tune the PID gains (Kp, ki, kd) called FPID gains
3- Then design Neural Network for the estimation of external disturbances and actuator uncertainties
4- Now developed Neural Network block will tune the FPID gains. Now its called adaptive FPID control for cube satellite.
Important thing is you have to get or develope cube satellite attitude (roll, pitch, yaw) data set for Neural Network.
Note - Attached proposed control block diagram, from where you will easily understand the whole project and those two papers important for this project, they can get the whole idea from those papers.
Reference Papers -
1. Adaptive Attitude Controller for a Satellite Based on Neural Network in the Presence of Unknown External Disturbances and Actuator Faults by Ali Reza Fazlyab, Farhad Fani Saberi and Mansour Kabganian.
2. Adaptive Fuzzy PID Control Strategy for Spacecraft Attitude Control by Naeimeh Najafizadeh Sari, Hadi Jahanshahi and Mahdi Fakoor.
Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar