Planning software application

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131113364

System Design Document for Course Planning System

1. Overview of Solution
The solution is a desktop Course-Planning Software application to replace their existing electronic Course Scheduling. This

a. System Flow
- Start up
1. Course-Planning Home Screen
- Maintenance Flow
1. Admin/Director Selects from the menu what to maintain
2. Admin Selects to View / Add / Update / Delete a Professor
3. Admin Selects to View / Add / Update / Delete a Stream
4. Admin Selects to View / Add / Update / Delete a Subject
5. Admin Selects to Run a new Schedule and Admin/Director selects to View / Update / Delete existing Schedule
- Session& Sales Flow
1. Admin selects to starts a session when logged into Course Planning System
2. Admin starts to do work on Professors
a. Admin adds a Professor
b. Admin updates a Professor
c. Admin deletes a Professor
3. Admin starts to do work on Subjects
a. Admin adds a Subject
b. Admin updates a Subject
c. Admin deletes a Subject
4. Admin starts to do work on Streams
a. Admin adds a Stream
b. Admin updates a Stream
c. Admin deletes a Stream
5. Admin/Director starts to do work on Course Planning Schedule
a. Admin hit New Schedule System automatically set up a New Schedule
b. Admin/Director updates existing Schedule
c. Admin deletes existing Schedule

6. Admin/Director ends session when logged out from Course Planning System

7. System displays errors if the validations occur

b. System Features that meet the functional requirements specified in the Requirements Document.
- Maintain Professors information (view, add, update, delete)
o The system provides persistence and UI for displaying, adding, updating and deleting Professors.
- Maintain Students information (view, add, update, delete)
o The system provides persistence and UI for displaying, adding, updating and deleting Students.
- Maintain Streams information (view, add, update, delete)
o The system provides persistence and UI for displaying, adding, updating and deleting Streams.
- Maintain Course Planning Schedule information (view, update, delete)
o The system provides persistence and UI for displaying, updating and deleting Course Planning Schedule.
- Make a Schedule
o The system provides persistence and UI for making / displaying a automatically Schedules.
o It allows getting data from database and create a new Schedule automatically.
o It provides for persistence and UI for collection of all Professors and Students and Streams.
- Admin/Director start session on Course Planning System
o The system provides persistence and UI for starting a session on Course Planning System after entered correct user and password.
- Admin/Director end session from Course Planning System
o The system provides persistence and UI for Logout a session from Course Planning System.
- Control access to all management functions (maintenance and scheduling)
o System provides mechanism for maintaining Professors and Students and Streams and Schedules
o System provides access control to functions based on Schedule

c. System Features that meet the non-functional requirements specified in the Requirements Document.
- Usability
o The system has been designed to have an easy to use, standard UI that will meets these requirements:
- Admin should be able to enter for adding Professors details of 10 Professors in 90 seconds.
- Admin should be able to enter for adding Student details of 10 Students in 90 seconds.
- Admin should be able to effectively operate the system with less than one hour of training.
- Reliability
o The system has been designed to be very reliable using industry standard technology
- Performance
o The system shall meet the following performance requirements:
- All tasks should be performed in under 1 second.
- All scheduling tasks should be performed in under 1 second.
- Supportability
o The system uses industry standard technology so it will be able to be support by many technologies.
- Interface
o The system will support a standard interface for Swing Components for designing this System.
- Training
o The system will provide on screen instructions.
o The system will have training documentation.
- Operations
o The UI is designed to be easy for non-computer users to use and to make it easy to train new Admin/Directors.
- Legal
o The system provides a mechanism to create a New Schedule based on Professors and Students and Streams and Subjects.

d. The system design meets the objectives as stated in the requirements.
- The system will improve the accuracy of the Professors and Students used during create a New Course Planning Schedule looking up the Professors and Students and Streams in the database.
- The system will improve the speed of create a New Schedule or Update/Delete existing Schedule.

- The system will improve the speed of view/add/delete/update Professors or Students or Subjects or Streams or Schedules.

2. Technology Solution

This system will be a Single System solution. It has these features:

- Local Database
- GUI Interface

This system will use the following technologies:
- Java
- Java Swing UI framework
- MySQL database
- Run on Windows or MAC

The system is designed to function on a Standalone application on Windows 10 based PC with 4G of memory and 200 GB hard drive.

3. User Interface
This section describes the menus, screens provided by the system. This includes menu hierarchy diagrams, screen layout wire frames.

4. Object Model

This section is the object model designed for the system.

5. Algorithms
This section contains any special algorithms that need to be expressed. They could be expressed in pseudo-code.
None Required.

6. Entity Relationship Diagram
This section is the ERD for the database design for the system.

7. External Interface Specifications
This section describes in detail the formation and technology for any external interfaces including file interfaces.

Each row is a instance with Class Name, <data fields for Class>. Some classes have rows that represent instances that are related and are to be added to this instances.

Data fields
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email
- Subject Name
- Stream Name

8. Class Definitions
This section is a descriptionof classes, attributes and services.

League Demo - This is the sample project we worked on. Its in txt format change it into jar

CSV_forthisproject_TestData.jar - These are the csv files for project. I need students and professor data to be imported also


Reference no: EM131113364

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