Planning persuasive message gaining attention

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM131156047

Planning a Persuasive Message Gaining attention. The first task of most persuasive messages is to gain the attention of your readers. You can do this in a variety of ways, including asking a rhetorical question, providing a compelling or interesting fact, providing a compelling statistic, issuing a challenge, or posting a testimonial. For internal persuasive messages, the primary means of gaining attention is demonstrating a business need—a gap between what is and what could be. Describing a need, giving a solution, and providing a rationale. Once you’ve stated the need, you may describe your solution, which is a recommended product, service, or idea. Many readers will remain skeptical unless you provide convincing support. So, you will need to provide a strong rationale, meaning solid reasons why your product, service, or idea really benefits them. Show appreciation for other views. At some point in the body of the message, you should validate your readers by showing appreciation for their views and preferences. Validation implies that you recognize and appreciate others’ needs, wants, ideas, and preferences as legitimate and reasonable. Give counterpoints. Traditionally, communicators overcame the objections of their audiences by providing counterpoints to any of the audience members’ objections. Overcoming objections with counterpoints, however, is risky in the post-trust era. This approach may unnecessarily carry a me-versus-you tone and delegitimize the readers’ concerns. Consider whether providing counterpoints provides more benefits than costs. Provide a call to action. You conclude persuasive messages with a call to action, which asks your readers to take a specific step toward the purchase of a product or service or acceptance of an idea. However, a call to action should not be a hard sell; pressuring others is increasingly ineffective in the post-trust era. Tone is particularly important for persuasive messages. Since your audience holds resistance to you or your message, any indication that your message is self-serving or manipulative will increase that resistance. You should aim for a positive, confident, and other-oriented tone. To do this, you can apply the following strategies: apply the personal touch; use action-oriented and lively language; write with confidence; offer choice; and be positive. Apply the personal touch. You can apply a personal touch in several ways by personalizing the message and using you-voice. You can also do so by making statements tangible. By definition, tangible means that something can be touched; it is material or substantial. In a business communications context, making the statement tangible implies that the readers can discern something in terms that are meaningful to them. This allows the reader to sense the impact on a personal level. Often, you can achieve a tangible feel by combining you-voice with specificity. Use action-oriented and lively language. In persuasive messages, you have somewhat more license to write creatively. Focus on using action-oriented and lively words to achieve a sense of excitement, optimism, or other positive emotions. Use strong nouns and verbs to add to the excitement of the message. Some sales messages sound dull because of overuse and reliance on words such as provide and offer. Across the entire message or thought, the action-oriented and lively language should emphasize a central theme. Write with confidence. As you display more confidence in your idea, your product, or your service, you can more effectively influence your audience. Effective persuaders provide compelling and simple reasons for action. Offer choice. In the post-trust era (PTE), customers and clients consider choice an indicator of credibility. They view simple language (not implying lack of sophisticated knowledge) as a display of transparency and respect. In contrast, they view overly complex language as potentially deceptive. Similarly, effective persuasive messages avoid statements that may be perceived as pressure tactics. Hard sells are increasingly ineffective in a PTE, especially in written format. Be positive. Positivity in persuasive messages helps your audience focus on the benefits rather than the drawbacks of what you are trying to promote. Read the case below and answer the questions that follow. Assume that you work in a human resources department. Recently, a small earthquake struck near the headquarters of your company. Although there were no injuries and little damage, your company president thinks that all employees should be more prepared for a major earthquake. In her words, “you never know when we’ll get the big one.” She has asked you to promote some earthquake preparedness workshops. So far, you’ve drafted the following message: SUBJECT: Prepare Now! Dear employees: As you know, this area is prone to earthquakes. We often get complacent. But, that’s the wrong attitude because being unprepared can actually get people killed. In the last big earthquake 20 years ago, at least 15 deaths were due to poor preparation. In order to better prepare for the “big one,” I invite you to attend one of the two-hour workshops we’ve set up. Our company president has generously scheduled these workshops to include meals (breakfast or lunch). In addition, she has decided that she will donate $100 to the Red Cross for each employee who attends the workshops. So, do you want to hold the company back from donating $100 for a good cause? The two-hour workshops will include a lot of helpful information. These workshops will be fun and engaging. Thank you for your attention to this matter. 1. You know that the subject line is the first thing that the 3,500 employees at your company will see when you send this message. You’re worried the current subject line won’t garner much attention from the employees. As a result, you’ve written down the following options. Which of these options employs the principle of appreciation for others’ views? Why a 2-Hour Earthquake Preparedness Workshop is Worth Your Time We Will Donate $100 to Red Cross When You Attend a 2-Hour Workshop Learn How to Help Your Colleagues in the Event of an Emergency Be Ready for the Big One! 2. The more you look at your first paragraph, the more you think you need to reframe it. You’ve re-drafted it in the following way: “With a few easy steps, you can prepare to help others in the event of an earthquake. In just two hours, find out how you can protect your family members, your colleagues, and your loved ones if a disaster strikes.” Which principle have you most applied in making these changes? Using positive language Offering choice Writing with confidence Applying the personal touch Showing appreciation for others 3. You also re-drafted the second paragraph in the following way: “You may attend any one of five workshops (M, 8 a.m to 10 a.m.; T, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.; W, 8 a.m to 10 a.m., W, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Th, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.). Please come with an empty stomach—a breakfast buffet or a lunch box will be provided. The company will donate $100 to Red Cross for your attendance at any one of the workshops. You will receive a disaster training certificate for your participation in the workshop, which allows you to step forward and volunteer at a local community center in the event of an emergency.” In this re-drafted passage, you have applied all of the following principles EXCEPT what? Applying the personal touch Using you-voice Offering choice Using action-oriented and lively language 4. You opened the third paragraph in the following way: “The two-hour workshops will include a lot of helpful information.” Which of the following examples makes this statement more tangible? In the two-hour workshop, you will learn how to make your homes and offices more quake-proof, how to communicate when phone lines and cellular services are down, and how to rapidly coordinate relief efforts with teams of volunteers. In the two-hour workshop, you will be provided with training from experts, a variety of brochures with helpful information, and directions to use many online resources. In the two-hour workshop, you will learn many ways to prepare for an earthquake. 5. In the third paragraph, you mentioned the following: “These workshops will be fun and engaging.” Which of the following examples most makes this statement more lively and action-oriented? In several realistic simulations, you’ll rush to help others and make critical decisions in the nick of time. As part of the workshop, you’ll participate in simulations that are realistic and engaging. By simulating several realistic scenarios, we give you the opportunity to develop skills that will prepare you well for an emergency. 6. Which of the following statements is the most appropriate call to action? To join the workshop that best matches your schedule, please RSVP by directly emailing me at [email protected]. I look forward to seeing you at the workshops! These two hours will give you great security knowing you’ve done all you can to be prepared for an emergency. Don’t let this chance pass—you never know when you’ll need this basic training in earthquake preparedness. 7. All of the following strategies are examples of personalizing the message EXCEPT what? Emailing the message to all employees, posting it on the corporate intranet, and including it in the monthly newsletter. Addressing each message recipient by name. Developing separate messages tailored to the needs and interests of each department within the company. Walking from office to office and inviting colleagues to sign up for the workshops.

Reference no: EM131156047

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