Reference no: EM131481112 , Length: word count:1500
The Project Audit and Termination Report is a tool used to substantiate to the stakeholders of a project that the goals and objectives of the project have been met and important items or deliverables have been produced by the project. The report is a vital communication tool that is used as the basis for ensuring that the stakeholders acknowledge the project success and accept the outcomes.
Kerzner (2013) p582 section 11.35 identifies five different types of audit - performance, compliance, quality, exit, and best practices. Audits do not have to occur at the end of a project but can occur during a project as health checks and quality audits (Kerzner 2013, 1031, 1151-1152). The PMBOK (2013) p100-104 advises the process to be followed when closing or finalizing all the activities within a project. Chapter 18 of Managing a Successful Project with PRINCE2 discusses the PRINCE2 approach to closing. Not all projects terminate successfully; Kerzner (2013) also discusses the reasons why some projects are stopped (section 11.20) and the lessons for the project manager (section 9.1 p447) if the processes for phaseouts and transfers are not conducted correctly (11.21).
The report is based on the contents of Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2 (2009), A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) 5th Edition (2013) and Kerzner Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling and Controlling (2013). Please complete this report for your chosen project.
Auditable Categories
In addition to the Kerzner (2013) p582 section 11.35 list of categories Directing PRINCE2 page 85 section 9.3.1 identifies that there are four metrics that may be valuable and included in an End Project Report - progress, quality, change and risk. Each auditable category should have a value to the project and future projects. The table below has been designed to reflect Kerzner and PRINCE2.
Complete the table by identifying the WBS items that should be audited and the category that the WBS item falls into. Additionally specify what metric(s) are significant for the WBS item. Page 85 section to of Directing PRINCE2 suggests some metrics, such as effort, cost, time variances, value, defects, quality, number of occurrences, adequacy, etc. You may also perceive of other metrics that are important to you. WBS items may occur in more than one auditable category and have more than one metric that you measure them by.
You may wish to write a short answer as a paragraph to explain what is required, rather than list each item. Adjust by adding extra rows or columns or merging cells in the table as required to show the items in each of the categories
Audit Plan
Managing PRINCE2 page 94 states that an audit review is typically undertaken at the end of each stage and at the end of the project. Kerzner in section 11.35 p582 states they may also be scheduled or at random; also that they are independent and focus on discovery or for decision-making; and finally that they may be performed by in-house or external examiners.
Identify the elements of the audit plan using the table below.
You may wish to write a short answer as a paragraph to explain what is required, rather than list each item. Adjust by adding extra rows or columns or merging cells in the table as required to show the items in each of the categories.
Project Termination / Closure.
The PMBOK section 4.6 identifies the inputs, tools and techniques and outputs that apply when closing the project. Provide a short explanation of how your project will close.
1.1 Write the explanation of the event driven control in this cell and delete this text afterwards. You may use as many words as you require but brevity and succinctness is preferable.
1.2 Write the explanation of the event driven control in this cell and delete this text afterwards. You may use as many words as you require but brevity and succinctness is preferable.
1.3 Write the explanation of the event driven control in this cell and delete this text afterwards. You may use as many words as you require but brevity and succinctness is preferable.
2.1 Write the explanation of the event driven control in this cell and delete this text afterwards. You may use as many words as you require but brevity and succinctness is preferable.
2.2 Write the explanation of the event driven control in this cell and delete this text afterwards. You may use as many words as you require but brevity and succinctness is preferable.
2.3 Write the explanation of the event driven control in this cell and delete this text afterwards. You may use as many words as you require but brevity and succinctness is preferable.
3.1 Write the explanation of the event driven control in this cell and delete this text afterwards. You may use as many words as you require but brevity and succinctness is preferable.
3.2 Write the explanation of the event driven control in this cell and delete this text afterwards. You may use as many words as you require but brevity and succinctness is preferable.
3.3 Write the explanation of the event driven control in this cell and delete this text afterwards. You may use as many words as you require but brevity and succinctness is preferable.
4.1 Write the explanation of the event driven control in this cell and delete this text afterwards. You may use as many words as you require but brevity and succinctness is preferable.
4.2 Write the explanation of the event driven control in this cell and delete this text afterwards. You may use as many words as you require but brevity and succinctness is preferable.
4.3 Write the explanation of the event driven control in this cell and delete this text afterwards. You may use as many words as you require but brevity and succinctness is preferable.
5.1 Write the explanation of the event driven control in this cell and delete this text afterwards. You may use as many words as you require but brevity and succinctness is preferable.
5.2 Write the explanation of the event driven control in this cell and delete this text afterwards. You may use as many words as you require but brevity and succinctness is preferable.
5.3 Write the explanation of the event driven control in this cell and delete this text afterwards. You may use as many words as you require but brevity and succinctness is preferable.
6.1 Write the explanation of the event driven control in this cell and delete this text afterwards. You may use as many words as you require but brevity and succinctness is preferable.
6.2 Write the explanation of the event driven control in this cell and delete this text afterwards. You may use as many words as you require but brevity and succinctness is preferable.
6.3 Write the explanation of the event driven control in this cell and delete this text afterwards. You may use as many words as you require but brevity and succinctness is preferable.
Termination / Closure Plan.
Planning a termination or closure requires preparation and attention by the project team. Please write a description below as to how, when and the process for the termination / closure of your project. If you wish to include a Gantt chart or other illustration then please do so.
You should also refer to the audit and controllable items above where appropriate.