Reference no: EM13934216
1. Data for the "plasters" experiment undertaken in week 2 (7/10/14) are available on Moodle. Eliminate one of the rows of data (i.e. one plaster type for one person) at random and specify in your response which one was removed. Describe the experimental design, draw up a skeleton/dummy ANOVA table for the remaining data, describe how the experiment was undertaken (giving sufficient detail that it could be repeated by someone not present in the class) and what the response variable was, detail any hypotheses, undertake the analysis and draw
conclusions. In the light of these results how could you improve the experiment?
Limit your text to no more than 500 words. State the word count.2. (a) An experiment is to be conducted on six experimental treatments coded A,B,C,D,E,L. The experiment will have five replicates, but the block size cannot be as large as six. Devise two alternative Balanced Incomplete Block designs for this scenario. In each case present a randomised plan for the design and a skeleton ANOVA table. Which design would you recommend andwhy?
(b) An experiment is planned to look at the effects of climbing 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 flights of stairs on the pulse rates of a sample of 10 students. However, the European Court of Human Rights has decreed that no student can be expected to do more than 3 of these activities. Consequently a balanced incomplete
block design is required. Devise such a design, generate a randomisation and draw up a skeleton ANOVA table. Does an alternative Balanced Incomplete Block design exist? Limit your text to no more than 300 words. State the word count.