Reference no: EM133746954
Purpose: To start formulating your project by thinking about its possible topic, method of presentation, and appropriate journal articles. You will get feedback that will help you successfully meet the requirements of the project.
Learning Objective: This assignment reinforces CLO4: Create a project analyzing news, popular, and scholarly sources and/or life experiences related to the social construction and/or social control of deviance, PSLO #1: Analyze and interpret the diversity of social experience using a sociological perspective, PSLO #3: Locate, analyze, assess, and communicate about sociological scholarship and (depending on topic) PSLO #5: Articulate the ethical and social justice implications of sociological inquiry
Then, submit the following information about your Deviance Class project, which you will be posting by Wednesday of Week 7. You should have read the description of the project thoroughly and given yourself at least an hour to do some research for relevant social science journal articles.
Read the following short description of your Deviance Project options, which you will be presenting on the last week of class.
1/ After thinking about it for a bit, write down which option you want to pursue for pre-approval: 1 or 2. If you are having a hard time deciding between topics let me know and I can work with you. If you would like to work with a partner, both of you should submit this assignment with the same information on it and both of your names. (You are expected to do more than you would on your own if you partner up--see project details).
For Option 1: note if you plan to analyze your life or someone else's that you have observed and will use a pseudonym and be sure not to include identifying information (give me a bit of information on how you plan to do this too)
For Option 2: reference the article, social media post or other inspiration from 2022-current time that inspires you to research a topic--either cut and paste it here, or link me to it (but include a reference either way--last name, first name. year. "article title." Name of newspaper/webpage etc.: weblink.) Elaborate on the topic it inspires you to research.
2/ Then tell me your method of presentation: will you write a 3-4 page (double-spaced, 12-point font paper), make a short video, do a narrated PowerPoint (slide) presentation, or create a short podcast?