Plan for choosing an authorative style

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Reference no: EM133305129

Discussion 1

The best type of parenting style would be Authoratative. Different styles can have different outcomes. "The authoritative style of interaction is characterized by respect, fairness,wamth,open communication, reasoning, cosisrenct and involvment." This interaction helps promote a positive response in kids. After looking at my own experinces, children want to communicate and they try to do in in their own way, but they need guidence. Both a child permissive and Athoritarian syle can lead to a child rebelling and not being able to communicate. Any adult around kids needs to understand each style and what would be best for the child. Some parents use a permissive style and may indulge in things to help avoid conflict. For an example, if a child is screaming and crying because they want ice cream, and that adult gives in instead of embracing the conflict, it can lead the kids to understand what they can do. Maybe if the next time, they want ice cream they can just scream and a parent will give in. I am not stating that this is always terrible, parenting can be hard and this can lead to a break. I hope in the future, I will be able to learn all the aspects of an authoratative figure, to help children learn to communicate in a healthy way. I also hope to understand which battles are the most important to fight and which ones are not.

Discussion 2
My plan for choosing an authorative style when working with children is to set goals for children and challenge every child based on their needs in their development. I will aloow children to work to their potential and give them freedom to reach goals at their own pace. I will promote gppd behavior with positive reinforcement. Being responsive to a child's needs and being consistent creates a healthy relationship.

"Adults who gives reasons for rules are open for negotiation but never abdicate their final responsibility for making descisions even when they have to say no. Children are given authentic and appropriate choices, are asked for opinions and are genuinely heard."

Reference no: EM133305129

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