Plan and monitor business analysis activities

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Reference no: EM133027433

ICTSAD609 Plan and monitor business analysis activities in an ICT environment

PART 1: Assessment tasks: This part contains the information to successfully undertake the assessment task. In each assessment task, students will find the following information:

PART 2: Assessment information: This part contains information on the assessment for this unit of competency and how an assessment will be conducted throughout this unit to achieve the competency. It includes:
• Application of the unit of competency.
• Purpose of assessment.
• Elements, performance evidence and knowledge evidence requirements of the unit.
• Conditions, context, required resources and location of the assessment.
• Assessment tasks.
• Outline of evidence to be collected.
• Administration, recording and reporting the requirements including special adjustments,
appeals, reasonable adjustments and assessors' intervention.
• Task instructions.
• Role play / Practical Demonstration information.
• Information on resources required, where applicable

PART 1: Assessment information

Application of the unit of competency:
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to establish and manage Information and Communications Technology (ICT) business analysis activities in a medium-to-large organisation.

This unit applies to individuals who require high-level management, business and technical skills to manage complex analysis efforts within the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) industry, often as part of business-critical ICT projects.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

Purpose of assessment:
The purpose of assessment is to determine competency in the unit ICTSAD609 - Plan and monitor business analysis activities in an ICT environment.

1. Plan business analysis approach
2. Conduct stakeholder analysis
3. Plan business analysis activities and communication
4. Plan requirements management process
5. Manage business analysis performance

Performance evidence:
Evidence of the ability to:
• plan and monitor at least two different business analysis activities, including determining an approach and required processes.
In the course of the above, the candidate must:
• determine business analysis deliverables, tasks and estimates
• plan business analysis communications
• comply with organisational and legislative requirements.

Knowledge evidence:
• The candidate must be able to demonstrate knowledge to complete the tasks outlined in the elements, performance criteria and foundation skills of this unit, including knowledge of:
• business analysis process, procedures and techniques
• project management process, procedures and techniques
• risk management strategies
• technology solution patterns
• stakeholder management techniques and processes
• communication constraints that may impact on stakeholders

• requirements management processes, procedures and techniques
• metrics used in measuring business analysis performance
• organisational and legislative requirements and procedures applicable to business analysis activities.

Context and conditions for assessment:
To comply with the assessment conditions of this unit:
Access is required to:
• required tools, equipment and materials
• business requirements documentation and information
• industry software packages
• required hardware and its components
• file storage.

Resources required:
The assessor will ensure that assessment is conducted in a safe environment and you have access to the following resources for the unit.
• RGIT Learners' resources for the unit ICTSAD609 - Plan and monitor business analysis activities in an ICT environment (organised by the trainer).

Competency requirements:
To be judged competent in this unit, you will be required to demonstrate all indicators which are shown in the Marking Guide (assessor's document).
You must satisfactorily complete all assessment tasks to be Competent (C) in the unit. Students with unsatisfactory completion of any of the assignment tasks will be deemed Not Yet Competent (NYC).
Assessors will ensure that the evidence collected meets the requirements of the Rules of Evidence (authentic, current, sufficient and valid) prior to entering results into the competency record sheet.
Students unsuccessful at achieving "Satisfactory" for any assessment at the first attempt will be given two opportunities for reassessment. If the student is still deemed Not Yet Competent (NYC) after two reassessments in a unit of competency student will be required to repeat the unit as per the scheduled delivery of the course. For further details, refer to RGIT Assessment Policy and Procedure and RGIT Course Progress Policy.

Assessment task 1: Project

Required documents and equipment required for this assessment:
• RGIT Learners' resources for the unit BSBCRT611 - Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving (organised by the trainer).

Scenario (simulated environment)
You have been hired by RGIT Software pty ltd to plan and monitor business analysis activities as per the circumstances given hereby. RGIT Software has been servicing its customers by developing and deploying web-based tools and websites since long. The web development tools and techniques they are using are getting obsolete now. The support to those tools and software is slowing getting stopped. Due to this, RGIT fears losing business soon. They plan to make big changes to the tools and technologies they are using. This will include a major overhaul in the hardware as well as software components. This may require training their current staff or hiring even more staff/specialists to handle new projects. Moreover, transition from legacy technologies to latest one also requires care. You are required to analyse the situation prepare a project report that will contain the following:


1. Determine business analysis deliverables, tasks and estimates.

2. Plan business analysis communications.

3. List organisational and legislative requirements.

4. Identify and document the business analysis initiative and establish applicable organisational process needs and objectives.

5. Explain the approach to needs of specific business analysis initiative as per industry standards.

6. How would you with required personnel and determine how work will be completed?

7. Provide a plan for the execution of business analysis activities according to RGIT requirements.

8. List stakeholders who may be affected by business need or new solution.

9. How would you assess and document stakeholder attitudes toward and influence over initiative?

10. List stakeholders and their respective authority over business analysis activities.

11. List activities the business analyst will perform as a business analyst and when.

12. Explain how best to communicate with each stakeholder according to stakeholder needs and constraints to communication.

13. Explain how to establish a requirements repository for storing requirements, including those under development, under review, and approved requirements.

14. Explain requirements change management process.

15. Determine and note which metrics will be used when measuring work performed by business analyst.

16. Explain how you would confirm and review business analysis performance and recommended actions with required personnel.

Assessment task 2: Presentation

Presentation Description
This assessment is in continuation to the assessment 1. You are required to prepare a presentation slide show detailing all aspects of project report. You will be presenting the slide show to relevant stakeholders (trainer). You may be asked relevant questions by the stakeholders (trainer). You are expected to respond to all the questions to the best of your ability.

Assessment task 3: Knowledge questions

1. Explain the business analysis process, procedures and techniques in an ICT environment.

2. Explain risk management strategies.

3. Discuss the stakeholder management techniques and processes.

4. Outline the communication constraints that may impact on stakeholders.

5. How is business analysis performance measured? Provide metrics for the same.

6. How does requirements repository help in managing storage of requirements?

7. Explain technology solution patterns.

8. Explain project management process, procedures and techniques in an ICT environment.

9. How do you analyse organisational and legislative requirements and procedures applicable to business analysis activities?

10. Explain the procedure to conclude which requirement attributes need to be captured while working on an ICT project.

Attachment:- Plan and monitor business analysis.rar

Reference no: EM133027433

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