Reference no: EM133029028
Assessment Task - Monitor and review operational performance
You are required to:
• Monitor and review operational performance
• Support individual and teams
This task comprises of the following assessment methods:
o Product-based
o Direct observation of Role-Play
o Case Study
o Other (specify)
It has been designed to evaluate your ability to/competency in:
• Assess progress of operational plan in achieving profit and productivity plans and targets
• Identify areas of under-performance, recommend solutions and rectify the situation
• Plan and implement relevant processes for ongoing monitoring and confirm that support is provided for individuals and teams
• Negotiate recommendations for variations to operational plans and gain approval from designated persons
You are required to address the following:
• Task 3.1 Monitor and review operational performance
o Develop a monitoring system to review performance against targets
o Analyse and interpret performance data to recommend remedial actions and identify variations to the operational plan
o Negotiate the remedial actions, the variations to the operational plan and obtain approval for expenditure
• Task 3.2 Support individual and teams
o Outline a strategy to support the team improving performance
o Develop a report to review the performance of the individual team member, Lee Waters
This task builds on your work in Task 2.
To complete this task, please refer to the scenarios, the documentation and the work you performed in Task 2 and Appendix 4 in this document.
You are required to:
• Monitor and review operational performance
• Support individual and teams
This task comprises of the following assessment methods:
o Product-based
o Direct observation of Role-Play
o Case Study
o Other (specify)
It has been designed to evaluate your ability to/competency in:
• Assess progress of operational plan in achieving profit and productivity plans and targets
• Identify areas of under-performance, recommend solutions and rectify the situation
• Plan and implement relevant processes for ongoing monitoring and confirm that support is provided for individuals and teams
• Negotiate recommendations for variations to operational plans and gain approval from designated persons
You are required to address the following:
Task 3.1 Monitor and review operational performance
o Develop a monitoring system to review performance against targets
o Analyse and interpret performance data to recommend remedial actions and identify variations to the operational plan
o Negotiate the remedial actions, the variations to the operational plan and obtain approval for expenditure
Task 3.2 Support individual and teams
o Outline a strategy to support the team improving performance
o Develop a report to review the performance of the individual team member, Lee Waters
o Develop a coaching report for the individual team member
Task 3.1 Monitor and review operational performance
You are now implementing the operational plan.
This task requires you to:
• Develop a monitoring system to review performance against targets
• Analyse and interpret performance data
• Recommend solutions to rectify performance data
• Negotiate solutions to rectify performance data that would lead to variations of the operational plan
3.1.1 System to review performance
Develop a monitor system (Template 1) to review performance against targets that includes:
• budgetary and financial performance
• productivity performance
• employee performance in line with performance management policy
• milestone achievement and performance against targets
• dates for monitoring activities in line with the scenario
• resources for monitoring
• progress reporting at the end of each quarter to the Operations General Manager
• a system to ensure that procedures and records associated with documenting performance related to the operational plans are managed following organisational requirements and data security
3.1.2 Monitoring and evaluation
Analyse operational performance as described in the scenario (Appendix 4) and produce an operational plan status report based on the information provided. Include in your report:
• a description of budgetary and financial performance
• a description of productivity performance
• a description of schedule performance
• a description of employee performance
• two-three recommendations for operational improvement.
3.1.3 Negotiate recommendations for variations to the operational plan
Liaise with the trainer and assessor and schedule a time in week 6 of class to meet with the OGM, to negotiate the recommendations for variations to operational plans and remedial actions.
The OGM will be played by a classmate and the trainer and assessor will observe the Role-Play.
After the meeting:
• Complete the expenditure payment approval form to action the remedial actions discussed with the OGM (Template 3). Copy and paste in a separate document and ask the classmate who played the OGM during the Role-Play to sign for approval.
Task 3.2 Support individual and teams
Identify areas of employee underperformance, determine possible remedial actions and prepare to performance manage underperforming employees. Use the templates provided below and follow the instructions.
Read the HR performance data in Appendix 4.
3.2.1 Support the team
In the form of personal planning notes, outline your strategy to support the team in improving performance.
(50-100 words)
3.2.2 Support the individual team member
Review the performance data for Lee Waters and consider his conflict with the team and write a report that includes:
• Identify areas of underperformance (2-3)
• Determine possible remedial actions (2-3)
• Outline a coaching session for Lee Waters on one of the following topics (30-50 words):
o Time management
o Accuracy
o Multi-tasking
o Sales techniques
o Commitment to team goals
3.2.3 Coach an individual team member
Liaise with the trainer and assessor and schedule a time in week 6 of class to coach Lee Waters, played by a classmate on one of the following:
• Time management
• Accuracy
• Multi-tasking
• Sales techniques
• Commitment to team goals
Attachment:- Review operational performance.rar