Reference no: EM132331149
Unit Learning Outcomes:
LO 1: Assess individual and group skills in order to allocate roles within a collaborative team.
Evaluate everyone own skills and discuss through self-auditing or brain storming and review. Highlight each person's strength and weakness.
Develop role descriptions and responsibilities with your own team of 3 to4 within your own team. That is to find out what needs to be done in a project selected by the team.
Discuss the allocation of roles among the team for the selected project of the group choice. It can be a design, construction or a maintenance project but can be complete within 3 to 6 months. (M1)
Justify the allocation of roles and responsibilities within your team, recognizing individual skills and goals against project requirements of your selected project. (D1)
LO 2: Plan a construction project, based on the Pearson-set theme, in collaboration with others to ensure good practice in resource management, staffing and project scheduling.
Develop a project plan to ensure successful completion of the project. This project management plan shall be in the form of a bar chart of activities.
Illustrate the resources planning including the human, equipment and put them into the time programme or plan.
Interpret and explain the events and activities in this project plan and indicate the milestones and risks. (M2)
Assignment Brief and Guidance:
Now your team is more familiar with each other, and is working towards the tender stage under a tight schedule. Your manager has asked your team to speed up the work. So have regular discussion meetings and act towards the common goals for the following tasks.
LO3: Prepare tender documentation; undertaking work appropriate to a defined role within a team.
5. Develop the construction drawings and write up the project construction specifications. So it is better a construction project.
6. Prepare a cost plan for the project. You may also depict for a cash flow analysis for the entire project duration.
7. Produce a pre-construction health & safety method statement.
Evaluate the different ways in which BIM can provide greater efficiency in collaborative preparation of tender documentation. (M3)
Evaluate critically the relationships between project planning and tender documentation. Highlight different ways in which tender information responds to project planning. (D2)
LO4: Evaluate own work, and the work of others, in a collaborative team.
8. Undertake a continual review of their own work and record throughout the project.
9. Evaluate their own working practices in relationship to that of other members. Identifying areas of good practice.
Evaluate their own personality profile in relationship to your working practices.
Critically evaluate the success of a project by considering individual and group working practices in relationship to assigned roles and personality profiles.
Note: At least 3 pages answer for each question.
Planning new or updated security systems
: How can you determining possible physical threats may affect the choice of physical security countermeasures while planning new or updated security systems.
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Convergence of information technology-operations technology
: The convergence of information technology and operations technology, offering the potential for tremendous improvements in efficiency, product quality, agility
Working with apis when developing applications
: What are the advantages and disadvantages of working with APIs when developing applications?