Reference no: EM133255356
PIR: Technology Environment.
What are some questions to ask a IT professional for Topic 5 and 6. Below are some of the samples provided. Do not answer the questions below. Please provide questions to ask IT on topics only.
Topic 5. Describe about the application backup/recovery plan
5.1 What backup and recovery plans were developed for the application in the event of system failure?
5.2 How would the organization get the same business tasks accomplished if a disaster occurred?
5.3 Is the application included within an organizational contingency plan or disaster recovery plan?
Topic 6. Describe the application maintenance and performance monitoring
6.1 Who is responsible for monitoring and supporting the application's maintenance and performance?
Ex. IT support through phone or chat
6.2 How are fixes and changes to the application handled?
6.3 Is there a process for rolling out new versions of the application? If yes, describe the process or processes.
6.4 Is there written documentation that addresses application maintenance and policy changes? If information is confidential or private, give a general overview or explanation, if possible.