Piece of media containing visual material to analyze

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Reference no: EM13260865

Media Analysis

Step 1: Choose your subject.

Pick one piece of media containing visual material to analyze. This can be a television commercial, a movie trailer, or a printed advertisement from a newspaper or magazine. Be sure to give me either the printed advertisement or a link to your commercial or movie trailer when turning in your rough draft.

Step 2: Describe your material.

1. Tell me if you are analyzing a television commercial, an ad from a newspaper, an ad from a magazine, or a movie trailer. If you're writing about a commercial or an ad, name the product being sold and the company/brand that makes it. If you choose a commercial that advertises a new movie, please name the movie.

2. Then, describe what you see in the ad or video. If you're analyzing a commercial or movie trailer, give a brief synopsis of what happens in the video. If you're analyzing a magazine or newspaper advertisement, describe the images and/or words that you see. Remember to only focus on the important details-you do not need to tell me everything.

Step 3: Analyze your material.

In this step, I want you to look deeper into what you see. Think back on how we analyzed the music videos, commercials, and magazine ads in class as a guide to how you should approach this step. Here are just some of the things you should be thinking about when analyzing your material:

  • What is being sold? Is one specific product being promoted, or is the ad designed to promote a brand?
  • What is the message of the ad/commercial, and how is this message being expressed?
  • What kind of images do you see? Are colors being used to create a mood or atmosphere? What is the message being conveyed by these images?

In short, I want you to pick apart the images that make up your piece of media and describe their message. Look at specific details, and describe how they form a message, or claim, about their product. Support all of your claims with specific details.

Step 4: Tell me why this advertisement "works".Who is the audience? Think about the demographic (age, gender, race, social class, etc.) of your audience, and describe how the ad is appealing to this group. Is the advertisement using stereotypes, or fighting against them? What does this ad "say" about American culture and the culture of the specific audience? What values does your advertisement use?

Reference no: EM13260865

Questions Cloud

What are the firm market value capital structure weights : The market risk premium is 8.2 percent, T-bills are yielding 3 percent, and Titan Mining's tax rate is 35 percent.
What is the damping constant of the oscillation : A mass of .500 kg is connected to a spring of spring constant 30 N/m. The oscillation begins by pulling the mass to the right to amplitude 0.40 m before release, what is the damping constant of the oscillation
What was the flotation cost as a percentage of funds raised : Within the first hour of trading, the stock was selling for $23.20 a share. What was the flotation cost as a percentage of the funds raised?
Compute the angle of refraction for each wavelength : The index of refraction for crown glass is 1.512 at a wavelength of 660 nm (red), whereas its index of refraction is 1.530 at a wavelength of 410 nm (violet), what is the angle of refraction for each wavelength
Piece of media containing visual material to analyze : Pick one piece of media containing visual material to analyze. This can be a television commercial, a movie trailer, or a printed advertisement from a newspaper or magazine.
Which one requires daily inspection : What role does each of the three main financial statements play in the decision-making process of the financial manager? Which one requires daily inspection? How long before trends are seen?
Dinsey entered into a long-term agreement : A few years ago, Dinsey entered into a long-term agreement with McDonalds that included, among other things, joint promotions. From Disney perspective and what you know about the two brands, was this the right decision? is there a downside?
What role does a counter-cyclical play : Diagram the business cycle and the effects on individual industries. Why is an index measuring Christmas sales so important? Is the business cycle controllable? What role does a counter-cyclical play?
Find the acceleration of the skier : An Olympic skier whose mass is 50 kg is moving at 25 m/s down a 20degree slope encounters a region of wet snow of coefficient of frictio Uk=0.55 which reduces her speed. Find the acceleration of the skier


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