Pickup 10 numbers and store it in array c.

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13950656

Using c-language programming (not C++):

Write a complete program to do the following specification:

1. Pickup 10 numbers and store it in an array using function fillArray.

2. Print the content of array with the message "Array not sorted" using printArray function.

3. Copy array a into array b using copyArray(a,b,10) function.

4. Sort array b in ascending order using sortArray(b,10) function.

5. Print array b with message "sorted array" using printArray

6. Pickup 10 numbers and store it in array c.

7. Find largest, smallest, and median values of array c and print them.

8. Print largest number of two arrays a,c and specify which array contains it.

9. Your program should ask for a number and print "YES" if the number is in array a, otherwise print "not found"

Reference no: EM13950656

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