Reference no: EM131440142
IT security personnel need to not only know what actions we need to implement, we need to understand why we need to take them and well as the any related background topics - we also need to be aware of current events as they relate to Cybersecurity
Your assignment is to pick one of the articles and write a response to it. This is not a major writing assignment. It doesn't have to be long - a page should suffice. It should have a short summary of the article as well as what you take away from it. It should be written so that someone who has not read the article would understand what it was about and what your perspective is on the subject.
I'm sure I don't have to mention it, but I would be remiss if I didn't: As with every assignment I will give, do not cut and paste information from other sources - I always want your view and your words. If you quote the article (or any other source) - especially if it is a direct quote - ensure you cite it properly.
Dropbox's tool shows how chatbots could be future of cybersecurity
Yahoo Reveals Cookie Forging Activity Led to Account Breach
Bang! SHA-1 collides at 38762cf7f55934b34d179ae6a4c80cadccbb7f0a
Recent Cloud Issues Show Security Can Fail Dramatically
Clock's ticking for MD5-signed JAR files, says Oracle
Microsoft Seeks Global Cybersecurity Accord
Develop and solve a linear optimization model for the shows
: The Children's Theater Company is a nonprofit corporation managed by Shannon Board. The theater performs in two venues: Kristin Marie Hall and the Lauren Elizabeth Theater.
Ethics-a personal perspective
: In your first Learning Activity for week 1 you discussed some things that come to mind when you think of the word "ethics". Over the course of the past 8 weeks, has your view or conception of ethics changed in any way?
What improvements might you suggest to the companys coo
: Retail companies like Walmart are heavy users of strategic control systems. What improvements might you suggest to the company's COO relative to strategic control and why?
How was the term employment equity created and why
: How was the term ‘employment equity' created and why? What is its core underlying principle of employment equity?
Pick one of the articles and write a response to it
: ISOL 532 : IT security personnel need to not only know what actions we need to implement, we need to understand why we need to take them and well as the any related background topics - we also need to be aware of current events as they relate to C..
What specific tasks will be involved in achieving goal
: How will the nominal group technique be used to achieve this goal? How will the members of the team work together (guidelines for effective participation)? What specific steps and tasks will be involved in achieving goal?
Explain one balancing loop and one reinforcing loop
: Identify one Balancing Loop and one Reinforcing Loop. These feedback loops should be critical to Whole Foods Market's performance and success. You should have a good idea of what these are from your previous analysis.
Describe the equal pay for equal work
: Define and describe the "equal pay for equal work" provisions typically found in employment standards legislation in Canada. Define and describe the "equal pay for work of equal value" provisions typically found in pay equity legislation in Canada.
Promote organizational improvement and development
: How it can be used to promote organizational improvement and development. To get a better view of this topic, we turn to the work on systems thinking and organizational learning.