Piaget theory of development and the information process

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Reference no: EM13775997

1. A parent who helps a child learn how to tie his shoe by showing the child the process and reminding the child of the steps each time the child tries to tie the shoe himself is using: ----Piaget's concept of egocentric thought.
----Vygotsky's concept of zone of proximal development
---Gelman's theory of demonstration.

---Piaget's concept of transformation.

2. Preschool children develop a sense of themselves through: --- transformation, conservation, and identification.
--- gender schemas, functional play, and identification.
--- self-perception, their parents' behaviors, and society.

--- self-perception, functional play, and transformation.

3. Most four year olds who view the picture below would incorrectly state that the top pencil is longer than the bottom pencil. This is because:

-- preschoolers have not mastered the concept of centration.
--- preschoolers have not mastered the concept of transformation.
-- preschoolers have not mastered the concept of intuitive thought.

-- preschoolers have not mastered the concept of conservatism.

4. Younger preschooler's reasons for relationships are based on:
-- play, fun, and trust.
-- fun, parental influence, and trust.
-- companionship, parental influence, and play

-- companionship, play, and fun.

5. One difference between Piaget's theory of development and the information process approach is __________.

---- the information process approach believes that cognitive skills progress in a continuous manner, while Piaget's theory is set with distinct stages.
---- Piaget theory asserts that children have an innate ability to count and developmentalists believe that preschooler's thinking regarding numbers is skewed.
---- the information process approach explains cognitive learning as a process of transformation, while Piaget's theory asserts learning is based on a series of scripts.

---- Piaget believed that children have a comprehensive capability of cognitive learning at a very early age, while developmentalists believe preschoolers do not have cognitive capabilities.

6. Discuss the role lateralization plays in brain growth. Include in your discussion the roles gender and culture play in lateralization.

7. According to Feldman (2011, p. 244), "gender schemas are developed early in life and serve as a lens through which preschoolers view the world." In your opinion, should preschoolers be encouraged to be androgynous (develop characteristics thought typical of both sexes), or encouraged to develop characteristics specific to their own gender? Use examples from your own experience to support your belief. Support your belief and examples with a reference from a scholarly source.

8. "How reliable is a child's testimony in the courtroom?" This is a question brought up by researchers in an area of developmental psychology know as forensic developmental psychology. Explain why preschoolers should or should not be allowed to testify in a courtroom. What theories of development support your answer?

9. Describe a specific example you've seen in your observations of how a sense of self is developed as a preschooler moves out of Erickson's autonomy-versus shame and doubt stage into the initiative versus guilt stage.

10. Describe the different styles of parenting found in Western Culture. Explain with your own examples how these styles effect the social and personality development of preschoolers.

11. Feldman (2011) discusses three different theories used to explain cognitive development: Piaget's Stage of Preoperational Thinking, Information Processing Approach, and Vygotsky's Social Leaning Theory. Choose a theory and discuss why you believe it best describes the developmental cognitive process of preschoolers

Your response should be at least 200 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

Reference no: EM13775997

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