Physician orders tylenol for temperature

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Reference no: EM13190705

1. A physician orders Tylenol for a temperature greater than 101 degrees F. The patient's temperature is 100.4 F. Explain the rationale for not medicating a fever of 100.4 F.

2. A woman comes into the hospital emergency room complaining that she is having problems swallowing and her neck is swelling. She was involved in an automobile accident a couple days ago but only bruised her neck. What could be the problem?

3. A 36-year-old man enters the hospital in an extremely debilitated condition. He has purple-brown skin lesions (a symptom of Kaposi's sarcoma) and a persistent cough. A physical examination reveals swollen lymph nodes, and laboratory tests find a very low lymphocyte count. Information taken during the personal history reveals that he has multiple sex partners with whom he frequently engages in unprotected sex. What is likely to be the man's problem and what is his outlook? 

Reference no: EM13190705

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