Reference no: EM132555294
Part I:
Your assignment is to focus first on alarms and intrusion detection. Using especially chapter 23 from the textbook, choose where to use intrusion detection systems and which systems to use.
1. Perimeter Protection-what types of intrusion detection systems would you use on doors and windows? Will you use different types based on the type of physical space? Explain and justify your choices.
2. Area Protection-what types of intrusion detection will you use and where? Explain and justify your choices.
3. The above alarms might be more for after-hours or for unpopulated areas. What about alarms for populated areas, like panic alarms? Explain and justify your choices.
4. How will you use the security staff to monitor and respond to intrusion or duress?
5. Besides the security staff, who will be responsible for turning on or off the sensors or using the alarms?
Part II:
Now, focus on fire prevention, detection, and response. Use especially chapter 22 from the textbook.
1. Discuss the fire classification most likely for this type of physical space.
2. Where would you put fire alarms? What maintenance is required for fire detection alarms?
3. Would you use sprinklers? If so, where and why? Where would you locate fire extinguishers? What kind would you use and why?
4. Discuss the maintenance required for any systems used for fire safety, and using the fire safety inspection section as a guide, discuss special areas of concern for fire safety in this type of location.
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