Physical patient care-professional issue-nursing issue

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Reference no: EM13202843

Review and reflect in the RN-BSN program of pertinence to acute care (pathophysiology, health assessment, leadership, etc.). From this review, identify an issue or concern that stands out in your mind. It can be a physical patient care issue, a professional issue, a nursing management issue, etc. There are a variety of issues that can be addressed. Choose one you feel strongly about and that you would like to see changed or improved.
For the selected issue, address the following:
1. How could the issue be changed/improved? Who are the pertinent players in affecting a change for the better?
2. What media outlets could you use to get the message out? Be specific--your local paper, local educational channel, nursing forum, radio station, journal, etc. 
3. Briefly outline how you would articulate this issue to the audience that needs to hear it. It could be an issue only pertinent to nurses, to nursing management, to the public at large, etc. Include a written form of communication in your own design, such as a letter to the editor, press release, letter to a congressman, talking points for a TV or radio interview, etc.
4. Briefly share your strategy for addressing the issue utilizing the media. You need only summarize your issue and strategy, using no more than one or two paragraphs. 
5. Think of an area related to nursing or nursing practice that needs further research. How would you articulate the need for research to other professionals and the public? 
6. What is the state of evidenced-based practice at your workplace? How could it be improved? What could you, as an individual nurse, do to improve it? 
7. Has your opinion of nursing research changed since being in the RN-BSN program? If so, how?

Reference no: EM13202843

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