Physical layout and logical structure

Assignment Help Simulation in MATLAB
Reference no: EM132860017

Project - ''Design and analysis of speed controller for electric vehicle driven by Brushless dc motor (BLDC)''.

Physical layout and logical structure
Your report should have a) Title page, b) Table of contents, c) Page numbers, d) List of figures, e) List oftables, e) List of figures, and f) Glossary as relevant to the project. The figures and tables should be captioned. The report should be proofread, and there should be no spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. The report should be easy to read and presented accurately, concisely and coherently, with no errors.

Abstract (Max score 3)
Abstract should accurately and concisely capture the thesis topic, background, aims/objectives, advances in the field and solution methodology, main findings and conclusion of the work.

Introduction (Max score 2)
Project introduction should a) establish the problem, b) provide an overview of existing research, c) identify a research gap, d) state a research question and e) establish the value of the project. All elements must be present in your introduction.

Literature Review (Max score 3)
Literature should be critically analysed, evaluated and presented in a logical and coherent manner with comments showing excellent ability to synthesise and abstract knowledge. Previous works should be properly acknowledged.

Methodology (Max score 3)
You should clearly articulate all the research tasks with sufficient details. You should clearly demonstrate how the proposed methodology is appropriate for the project.

Results and Discussion (Max score 32)
You should present your results in tables, graphs, figures as appropriate for your results and interpret them on your body text. You should recognise patterns and trends in your result and. All sources of error and limitations of experimental/simulation/fieldwork/case study measurements should be identified correctly. There should be no gap in the interpretation of the results. Results should be thoroughly and logically discussed meeting the project objectives. The results should be nicely linked with the literature. The analysis should demonstrate a high level of independent thought and critical thinking.

Conclusion (4)
Conclusions should be supported by the results. You should provide a clear description of the relationship between the current findings and the reviewed literature. It is also important that the possible applications or implications of the findings are well discussed. You should demonstrate that you have achieved your objectives and answered your research question.

Reflection on the attainment of EA Stage One Competency (Max score 1)

You should reflect on how you have attained EA stage one competency. You should provide sufficient evidence to support your claims.

PWM control method.

Attachment:- Project implementation.rar

Reference no: EM132860017

Questions Cloud

Can legal gambling have any harmful effects : Can legal gambling have any harmful effects? Describe a form of legal gambling that takes place and some of its harmful effects.
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Some of your frustrations-challenges in investigating : What were some of your frustrations/challenges in investigating your topic/problem?
Physical layout and logical structure : Evaluated and presented in a logical and coherent manner with comments showing excellent ability to synthesise and abstract knowledge
Eye-opening moments that validated or redirected : What were the eye-opening moments that validated or redirected your efforts?
Differentiate between correlation and causation : Differentiate between correlation and causation. Explain how each is calculated or tested.
How does overlapping privilege effect character : How does overlapping privilege and oppression effect these characters? What do you think the fence represents and how does it impact their relationship?
Developing alternative solutions and strategies : What are the methods for developing alternative solutions and strategies? Is there a clear road map for developing an alternative solution?



4/17/2021 1:55:18 AM

designing of speed controller appropriate for lightweight electric vehicle with battery state of charge%, closed loop control, PWM, smooth and quick speed response, able to run on Australian drive cycle, consideration of other electrical aspect and regenerative braking (optional but if you can do it is highly appreciable). I need minimum 20 pages of results and discussion for report and some explanation of research gap(in introduction) and conclusion. I already have introduction(except research gap), literature review, some part of methodology and abstract. Ready to give further detail if there is any question. thanks


4/17/2021 1:55:04 AM

My project title is ''Design and analysis of speed controller for electric vehicle driven by Brushless dc motor (BLDC)''. by using PWM control method. I need MATLAB simulation model for this project with results and brief discussion. I also need novelty in design as it is research project. I need explanation difference and improvement in design with multiple results and brief discussion.

Write a Review

Simulation in MATLAB Questions & Answers

  Calculate the stress intensity factor

Use the three-parameter zone finite element method or the boundary collocation method to calculate the stress intensity factor K, at the crack tip for the plate

  Build a simulation using newtons laws of motion

Build a new and different simulation of your own using Newtons laws of motion and Show the code and describe how it works

  Write the specification of load mover

Write the specification of LOAD MOVER detailed of the whole design and precise for automatic control section and divide the design into various modules and Is the kernel required if yes which one?

  Design the automatic control section using statecharts

Aim of this project is to design an embedded system which can move loads from one place to another. The system can be operated manually, automatically and wirelessly.

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Need an expert who can model a drill in Simulink. Working model of a drill needing for an improvment to behave more realistically as a drill to drill through plastic block.

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  Number of packets received with time

Let x be the number of packets received with time -

  Build a matlab based graphical user interface

Build a Matlab based graphical user interface (GUI) that operates in conjunction with a base Matlab/ Simulink simulation program. Any base simulation is considered acceptable.

  Build a matlab based graphical user interface

Build a Matlab based graphical user interface (GUI) that operates in conjunction with a base Matlab/ Simulink simulation program. Any base simulation is considered acceptable.

  Simulate the standardised sum of independent

Simulate the standardised sum of independent and identically distributed variates - Fit a linear regression model as in Q5, and plot your estimates for β0 and β1 as N increases, together with a line indicating their true values. Supply your code.

  Plot the original periodic square wave

Plot the original periodic square wave on the same graph. Comment on the difference between the original periodic square wave and its truncated Fourier series presentation.

  Use matlab to plot the function

Plot the original periodic square wave on the same graph. Comment on the difference between the original periodic square wave and its truncated Fourier series presentation.

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