Physical changes-comparison of males versus females

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Reference no: EM1364127

The assignment requires quite a bit of content and I am not too sure how to approach it.

Write a 1,000 - 1,500 paper that addresses the following in children from early childhood through middle childhood:

- Summarize the physical changes that occur in children during this age and the factors that influence those changes. Include a comparison of males vs. females.

- Describe the changes that occur in a child's brain and nervous system during this time frame and the corresponding changes in cognition, problem solving and judgment. Give specific examples of skills and abilities. Include a comparison of males versus females.

- Summarize the major milestones in social and emotional development that take place in early and middle childhood. Include information on self-understanding/self-concept, emotional regulation, peer relationships, male/female differences, and family influences.

Reference no: EM1364127

Questions Cloud

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