Physical and emotional wellbeing assessment

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Reference no: EM132464506

CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care - Physical and Emotional Wellbeing

Physical and Emotional Wellbeing Assignment

Access the Australian Children's Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) website and answer the questions below.

Question: Browse the Guide to the National Quality Framework document and search for the objectives of the NQF. List the six (6) objectives of the NQF.

Question: List the NQS quality areas relevant to the provision of care for babies, toddlers and children. Use the Guide to the National Quality Standard document as a reference. Your answers must include each quality areas' focus.

Question: Access the Belonging, Being & Becoming - The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) for Australia document in ACECQA's website. Answer the questions below using the EYLF document as reference.

Question: What is the aim of the EYLF document?

Question: Which EYLF outcome best guides early childhood educators in the provision of care for babies, toddlers, and children?

Question: Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) provides guidance to early childhood educators in reinforcing in their daily practice the principles laid out in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. List the two (2) principles being reinforced by the EYLF.

Question: What is the fundamental professional responsibility of early childhood professionals according to the Early Childhood Australia's Code of Ethics?

Question: Being aware of babies' and toddlers' sleeping patterns and routines will help you recognise sleep/rest cues and respond to these cues appropriately. Fill out the table below to show the different sleeping patterns and needed hours of sleep of babies and toddlers. The first row is completed to serve as a guide.
3 months            
6 months            
12 months            
12 to 24 months            

Question: Complete the table below by providing the possible meaning and appropriate response to the given infant/toddler signs/cues.

8-month Noah has woken from his nap and is crying.            
12-month Briony is sitting at the lunch table, rubbing her eyes and yawning.            
India, a 6-week infant, suddenly arches her back, throws her head back and spread her arms out and, started crying loudly.            
20-month old Kyle walks to you crying and pulling his nappy.            

Question: In the table below, list one (1) appropriate interaction for babies and toddlers, which you can use to foster the social development of babies and toddlers.
Babies - birth to 12 months      
Toddlers - 12 to 36 months      

Question: In your role as an Early Childhood Education and Care worker, you need to understand the dietary requirements and nutritional needs of babies and toddlers.

Question: What is the perfect food and best source of nutrients for babies 0 to 6 months?
Question: What are the approximated formula requirements for bottle-fed infants? Fill out the table to show the approximate formula requirements for bottled-fed infants:

When is the best time to introduce solid foods to babies?
Question: To meet the nutrition and dietary needs of babies 6 months onward, different types and consistency of food should be provided. Identify the type and consistency of food that should be given to the following age groups and give two (2) examples of each food type/consistency.

List five (5) food safety guidelines to implement when feeding:

Food safety guidelines to implement when feeding toddlers:

Carers are also tasked to promote good oral health care of babies and toddlers by implementing oral hygiene practices and healthy eating choices.
The Australian Dental Association (ADA) developed the following guidelines and tips to assist in the care and promotion of good oral health:

Question: How should you brush a baby's primary teeth that have just started to appear?
Question: What is the proper way of flossing for kids about 2 ½ years old? List the steps.

Question: How would you promote babies' and toddlers' oral health through diet and nutrition? List two (2) ways.

Question: What is the rationale behind restricting (feeding) bottles during meal times only?

Question: List the two (2) guidelines that can be used by educators as a basis for implementing infection control in education and care service.

Question: What are the most common procedures that can help prevent and control the spread of infections in the childcare service setting?

Question: Briefly explain why hand hygiene is one of the best ways to minimise the spread of infectious diseases.

Question: Identify whether the following practices for caring babies are safe or unsafe. Write "S" for safe and "U" for unsafe on the space provided.

In order to provide appropriate activities and routines that adequately address babies' and toddlers' developmental needs, you must first be aware of their emotional, physical and language development.

Question: Fill out the table with the appropriate milestones that you may observe at a certain age range. List three (3) expectations for each area.

Question: Explain the attachment theory. Provide the reference you used in answering this item.

Question: What is SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)? Provide a brief description and give three (3) risk factors.

Below are descriptions of the brain development of babies from birth to 18 months. Write ‘True', if the statement about brain development is correct and ‘False' if the statement is incorrect.

As carers, it is important that you are aware of and able to include familiar routines that are practiced by an infant or a toddler's family.
In the table below, give two (2) examples of practices and routines used by families that you are aware of or have learned about during your vocational placement. On the next column, give the underlying cultural or personal rationale of each practice/routine. An example is provided as your guide.

According to the National Physical Activity Guidelines for Australia, what are the recommendations for physical activity for children:
Birth to one year
Toddlers (1 to 3 years) and pre-schoolers (3 to 5 years)
5 - 12 years

Question: List five (5) impacts of changes in changes in routines and environment that children may experience.

Question: All child care centres are required to follow strict sun safety guidelines and have a policy stating the procedures for their centre.
List five (5) ways carers must implement to reduce the risk of sunburn and future skin cancer when children are out exposed in the sun.

Question: List five (5) strategies and routines that you could implement to minimise distress relating to the separation of parent and child.

Answer the following questions about the basic principles of child physical and emotional development.

What is a child's normal direction of growth?      
What is a child's normal pattern of growth?      
What is the normal directional pattern of physical development of children?      
What is the core relationship supporting a child's emotional development?      
What other key relationships contribute to the child's emotional development? Give two (2).      

Fill out the table below with examples of common organisational standards, policies and procedures related to the care of infant, toddlers and children and are relevant to Early Childhood Education and Care. List two (2) of each.
Relevant standards      
Relevant policies      
Relevant procedures      

Case Study One

List five (5) ways Geri could assist and support Sue and Lachie to manage their first separation.
Describe a suitable separation routine that Geri could suggest to Sue to manage her and Lachie's separation.

Lachie's first day has arrived and he has successfully settled into care. It is mid-morning and Geri notices that Lachie is rubbing his eyes and is a little unsettled. Knowing that Lachie is almost due for his morning nap, Geri decides it is probably best to change his nappy in preparation for the nap.

Write a suitable nappy procedure that could be displayed in the changing room for Geri to follow and to ensure that she practices proper hygiene.
Describe how Geri should interact with Lachie to help build a positive relationship with him while changing his nappy.

Geri has organised the environment and is now ready to put Lachie into his cot. He has his comfort item with him, a dummy, and is sucking contentedly.

What are the steps that Geri must consider when putting Lachie to sleep safely?
What are the things that Geri should check in order to know that the cot Lachie sleeps on complies with the Australian Standard AS/NZS 2172-2003?

List four (4) foods that are suitable to feed babies of Lachie's age.
Describe how Geri should safely prepare Lachie's food.
List the four (4) safety features of a high chair that make it suitable for Geri to use when feeding Lachie his solids.

Lachie is still hungry after eating his solids so Geri prepares him a bottle of infant formula.

Write a suitable formula preparation procedure for Geri to follow. You must include the procedure before preparing and the actual procedure of preparing the formula.
Write a suitable Expressed Breast Milk (EBM) preparation and storage procedure for Geri to follow in case she needs to prepare an EMB for Lachie.
Describe how Geri should safely store and re-heat bottles that parents have already prepared for their child.

Case Study Two

What strategies would you implement during the orientation process to be able to build trusting relationships with Matthew and his mother, Linda?
List five (5) strategies.
As Matthew's carer in the centre, you must adopt strategies to support his successful settling in. List three (3) settling in strategies that you can use.

Matthew comes to the centre in a superhero suit he received as a birthday gift. He clearly loves his suit and wears it all day. He comes to care the following day wearing the same suit. Linda says he refuses to take it off. Because it is becoming quite hot during mid-day, the need to change Matthew's suit to a more safe and comfortable clothing becomes immediate.
Describe how you would encourage Matthew to take off his superhero suit with minimal emotional upset on his part.

Matthew, together with a group of 4-year olds, is scheduled to have their outdoor play the following day at 8am. Before they go out in the outdoor play area, you are to explain to them the importance of sun safety and protection.
Create a poster suitable for 4-year olds promoting sun safety and protection. In creating the poster:
Follow the recommendations from the Cancer Council regarding sun safety and protection
Ensure that the language and images that you use is suitable for 4-year-old children
You may use any media available (e.g., magazine cut outs, PowerPoint, etc.)
Size of the poster should be that of an A4 paper (8.27 in x 11.02 in)
You may create a poster with multiple pages but limit it to 3 pages only
Submit the poster to your assessor as part of your assessment
If you created an actual poster, scan it and submit it with this answered workbook

Culture and Community Assignment

Select three (3) strategies from the options below that you can use to ensure you show respect for cultural diversity in all communication and interactions with clients, colleagues, and co-workers.

From the options below, select four (4) reasons why it is important to take into account cultural considerations when resolving differences sensitively.

In your own words, describe the benefits of cultural diversity in the different aspects of Australian work and life.

Cultural Influences
From the choices below, identify five (5) cultural influences and changing cultural practices that have shaped the Australia of today.
From the five you have selected, choose two (2) and briefly explain how you see their influence manifest in Australia today.

How you see this influence is manifested in Australia today.

Identify which of these aspects of human interaction are affected by cultural practices and experiences.
Personal behaviour
Interpersonal relationships
Perception of others
Social expectations of others
Match these to the given examples of diversity practices and experiences below:

Legislation and Childhood Education and Care Services:

Identify the piece of legislation related to discrimination against the features of diversity listed below.
Discuss the impact of each piece of legislation on work and social practices in Early Childhood Education and Care services.
This may be in the form of rights or responsibilities of workers, employers, or clients.
Cite the one (1) consequence of breaching each of these pieces of legislation.

Childcare policies, procedures, and practices:
Identify two (2) nationally recognised governing systems followed by childcare centres across Australia.
Provide two (2) examples of initiatives to support participation of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people within your service.

Select three (3) statements that describe the role of cultural and language interpreters.

Review the Sparkling Stars Policies and Procedures. Click on this logo while pressing the Ctrl key to access the website of Sparkling Stars Early Childcare Centre:

Select two (2) scenarios where cultural misunderstandings between two parties might occur.

Among the choices below, select five (5) approaches one can take to resolve cultural misunderstandings in a sensitive way, upholding the rights and responsibilities of workers, employers, and clients in a childcare centre.

Select five (5) statements below that explain what cultural competence is.

Research in the following experiences of the Aboriginal people and/or Torres Strait Islanders. On the spaces provided, write the corresponding letter of these experiences to their effects on indigenous people:
E - European settlement and the impacts of colonisation
L - Loss of land and culture
I - Importance of law and kinship

On the spaces provided, write A if the given statement describes Aboriginal culture, T if the given statement describes Torres Strait Islander culture, and the number 2 if the given statement refers to both cultures.

Access the National Quality Framework (NQF), the National Quality Standards (NQS), and the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF), and answer the following questions:

Identify the ways early childhood educators can uphold an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander student's cultural safety.

Select six (6).

Select six (6) statements that are true about cultural safety and human rights.

Project 1 Addressing the Cultural Needs of Aboriginal Families

Determine the culture of your local indigenous group/s to help improve the service delivery at Sparkling Stars.

Identify resources to assist you in promoting effective partnerships with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islanders in your community. This will include indigenous people who can provide cultural advice as well as any websites, publications, or other resources that can provide information on cultural practices, issues, and culturally appropriate communication. Identify at least two (2) from any of the following categories:

Organise a meeting with at least one (1) Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander mentor who can advise you on developing strategies for integrating the local culture/s you have identified in Step 1 within the Sparkling Stars workplace.

Describe the strategies that you have developed in consultation with your Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander mentor to:

Identify any issues that may arise during implementation of your strategies:

Research on any historical issues (social, political, or economic) in relation to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and your current state or territory, including at regional and state levels. Identify two (2) issues - from famous cases, historical accounts, etc. - from your research:

Reflect on contemporary impacts of the historical issues you identified, including those relating to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people. Identify two (2) instances, traditions, norms, etc. in your current state or territory that are the effect of the issues you have identified.

Discuss any significant events in your life that affected the cultural biases you currently have about different cultures, particularly in the workplace, prior to starting this subject.

Define two (2) aspects of your environment which influence your own cultural identity.

Reflect on the potential impact that your own background may have on your interactions and relationships with people from other cultures, particularly the Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders.

Discuss how your personal views on diverse cultures have changed since taking this subject.

Organise a second meeting with at least one (1) Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander mentor. If you only interviewed one mentor in Step 3, interview a second mentor. If you interviewed both mentors in Step three, meet with at least one of them for this Step.
This meeting must be held at least one (1) week following your previous interview.
Discuss the strategies you came up with in Step 4, after your initial consultation.
Have your mentor/s evaluate the strategies a second time.
Revise the strategies accordingly.

Project 2

Protecting Cultural Safety

For this project, you are to design a short activity for young children that includes a short story, visual aids, props, and classroom activities. Read through Steps 1 to 4 before proceeding.
Note: The output of this project will be used in the unit Play and Development in the Skills Workbook.

Write a short story for your class. The story must follow these guidelines:
The story is aimed for children aged 5 to 7 years old.
The story uses simple language and imagery.
There are at least two major (2) characters from different cultures.
One (1) of the characters must be of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander heritage.
The story must be 200 to 300 words long.
The story must have a positive message that supports inclusion and multiculturalism.

Prepare five (5) short questions about the story for a class discussion. All the questions must follow these guidelines:
The questions must relate to or is about the story in Step 1.
The questions must encourage cultural diversity.
For example, if your story is about two friends baking a pie, ask students what their favourite pies are, or if they have tasted pies from other places.
Another example is to ask students the foreign word for key words in your story: "What language do you speak with your family? What is the word ‘friend' in that language?"
At least one (1) of the questions must promote Aboriginal culture.
At least one (1) of the questions must promote appreciation for linguistic diversity.
At least one (1) of the questions must present a hypothetical problem that would encourage children to think of ways to solve.
At least one (1) of the questions must promote the cultural beliefs of your target audience.

Attachment:- Culture and Community.rar

Reference no: EM132464506

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Physical and emotional wellbeing assessment : CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care Assignment Help and Solution, Physical and Emotional Wellbeing - Assessment Writing Service
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2/27/2020 11:57:54 PM

Need to do only - unsatisfactory questions I need to pass with good marks so make it best I want every question to complete

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