Photographic essay big history-everything is connected

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Reference no: EM133199218



OBJECTIVE: The student will creatively capture an image (photo) and write an essay exhibiting one's understanding about the concept of Big History and the interconnected thresholds.


A photographic essay is a collection of images and photographs that are intended to tell a story, addresses a topic or issue, or evoke an excitement in the viewer. The pictures or images are usually accompanied by some captions, small texts, or full text essays for further explanation.

For this task, the student will take original photography and write a narrative (essay) on how the subjects of the photos are connected with one another and explain the deep connections within the ambit and context of Big History. Photo subjects may vary based on the creative "intention" of the student. The "intention" should always tell a story and the narratives should expressed the details of it.

Photo Guidelines:

1. All photos should be original. Downloading pictures from the Internet or pictures taken by somebody else is NOT allowed.

2. There should be a minimum of five (5) and a maximum of ten (10) photos.

3. Photos may be either black-and-white or colored. Each photo should be accompanied by a caption and should be related to the theme of the essay.

4. Write an essay/narrative as a whole detailing the interconnected and the deeper meaning of the submitted photographs. (300-350 words).

5. The theme is subject to the discretion of the professor.

Reference no: EM133199218

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