Philosophy ethics in management

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Reference no: EM1379099

Regarding Kantian view

Determine which of these three would be acting in a moral way according to the Kantians?

Kantian view:

Ben, Penis, as well as Harry every appointments the ill family member inside a medical house. The outcomes would be the exact same, and also the family member is actually significantly encouraged. Ben will it simply because he's scared in the event that he or she does not, their additional buddies as well as family members may believe him or her unfeeling. Dick hates nursing homes and hates visiting this relative in particular, but he does it because he feels he has a duty to do so. Harry loves people and loves to comfort them, and this opportunity allows him to pass on that love.

Reference no: EM1379099

Questions Cloud

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Philosophy ethics in management : Ben, Penis, as well as Harry every appointments the ill family part inside a medical house. The outcomes would be the exact same, and also the family part is actually significantly encouraged.
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