Philosophies-classical or positivist

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Reference no: EM1348719

Which of the two philosophies (classical or positivist) do you believe explains criminal behavior in a much more complete manner? Why? Support your answer with academic or real life criminal justice examples to accentuate your point.

Reference no: EM1348719

Questions Cloud

No-drama rule of management : Interesting thing here is, the architecture of big offices in New York reflects a management style by having open offices where no one can hide and even the Boss is visible.
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Explaining multiple mono-alphabetic substitution ciphers : Consider improved version of Vigenere cipher, where instead of using multiple shift ciphers, multiple mono-alphabetic substitution ciphers are used.
Supply and demand for lawyer salaries : The Wall Street Journal reported that recent law school graduates were having a very difficult time obtaining jobs in the legal profession.
Philosophies-classical or positivist : Which of the two philosophies (classical or positivist) do you believe explains criminal behavior in a much more complete manner?
Amount available to buy financial guarantee : How much money would the creator of the trust have available to pay for loan servicing and profits if the financial guarantee was purchased?
Estimate the enterprise value : Heavy Metal Corporation is expected to generate the following free cash flows over the next 5 years:
Illustrate what would be the pes-dollar exchange rate : Illustrate what would be the pes0-dollar exchange rate be if purchasing-power parity holds. If a monetary expansion caused all prices in Mexico to double.
How much work was done from a to b : Two point charges have a total charge of 515 µC. When placed 1.15 m apart, the force each exerts on the other is 24.4 N and is repulsive. What is the charge on each.


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