Pharaphase-sound ethics is good business

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Reference no: EM13160722

How is the Phrase “Sound ethics is good Business”, characterized

Pharaphrase the 3 paragraph/statements below

Mr. Carr disposes of phrases like "it pays to be ethical" or "sound ethics is good business" by saying this is simply a self-serving calculation in disguise. "The speaker is really saying," says Mr. Carr, "that in the long run a company can make more money if it does not antagonize competitors, suppliers, employees and customers by squeezing them too hard . . . This is true, but it has nothing to do with ethics." Mr. Carr's article provoked such a storm of letters that the Harvard Business Review published a follow-up article in the May-June, 1968, issue.

So, the phrase “Sound ethics is good Business”, is characterized: as we operate our Business ethically. We hold ourselves and conduct our business to high standards of fairness, honesty and integrity. We are individually accountable and collectively responsible

Example: Success in any marketplace isn’t just about results. At McDonald’s, each one of us has a responsibility to do the right thing. Our Standards of Business Conduct provide a framework for living up to this core value of the company. The Standards provide clarity, guidance and resources on a wide range of issues for operating on a daily basis with fairness, honesty and integrity. First published more than 40 years ago, the Standards are updated regularly. In 2008, we revised our Standards once again (they were last revised in 2003). At the heart of the Standards are three basic principles—personal accountability, open communication and responsible action.

Reference no: EM13160722

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