Reference no: EM132582321 , Length: word count:1500
Persuasive Speech Topic
For this speech, we are going to have a little more fun with it. Although this is a business comm class, we are going to create a presentation on a current, controversial issue. Keep in mind, the persuasive process we will learn can be applied to ANY type of persuasive speech. Even if you are giving a sales presentation or you are presenting an idea to the board of directors at your job to persuade for a policy change, you will still use the same process.
For this assignment, you will create a persuasive presentation following the guidelines and submitting in stages. The stages are the same as with the Info speech:
Stage 1: Submit topic for approval (Using form below directions and click on topic submission link below to submit).
Stage 2: Submit purpose statements, thesis and three main body points for approval (three body points will be the same for each speech as they will follow the outline and Monroe's Motivated Sequence: 1. Define Problem; 2. Give Solutions; 3. Give stance/opinion and action steps - use example in the stage two assignment directions and click on purpose, thesis and body points link).
Stage 3: Submit persuasive speech outline for review (use sample in the stage 3 assignment directions as guide and template to create your outline, and click on outline link).
Stage 4: After review and revision of outline, presentation of speech following the outline (Module 8).
Follow the directions and the outline format because that is how you will present. This speech will be an 8-10 minute persuasive presentation in which you will attempt to change the audience's attitudes, values, beliefs or actions following the outline format, orally citing sources, and using visual aids. You will choose a current controversial issue that is a problem in society.
You may choose topics such as: Repealing or revising the Stand Your Ground Law, Charging minors as adults, Human trafficking, Legalizing prostitution...there are lots of topics, you decide. Topics are on a first come, first served basis. There can be no duplication of topics because with this speech you all will be placed in groups in the final module to have a group discussion/debate (that will be discussed later). I do not want two people to present the same topic.
*NOTE: Some topics you may not necessarily have a "for" option. Meaning, I do not know too many people who are "For Human Trafficking". In a case with a topic like this, your persuasive techniques will be on persuading your audience what solutions you have chosen and what action they can do in support of your solutions.
To avoid serious value conflicts, I ask that we avoid these topics: abortion, euthanasia, cruelty to animals/lab testing and capital punishment. I also ask to avoid using religious beliefs unless that is part of the controversy. It is not that your beliefs are not important, they are! We just want to respect everyone's beliefs, and these topics, as well as religion, can be very sensitive and personal for some. So, let's stay away from these!
You may choose any of these topics below as they are all approved topics (again, first come, first served):
* Charging minors as an adult in a court of law
* Requiring mandatory vaccines for children.
* Racial Profiling (national/international)
* Should same-sex couples be offered the same rights and benefits as their straight counterparts
* Should more Federal and state laws be created to protect the LGBTQ+ community from discrimination in the workplace
* Abolishment of high school sports
* Paying college athletes
* Tasers in high schools
* Legalizing steroids for pro athletes
* Raising the legal drinking age to 25/Lowering to 18
* Human Trafficking
* Stem cell research
* Hazing in fraternities/sororities/athletics/military
* UN/Political/military involvement/intervention
* Granting inmates in max/supermax prisons rec time
* Charging parents with child abuse for obese kids
* Granting illegal immigrants full college scholarships
* Re-instituting the Patriot Act/"domestic spying"
* Allowing oil drilling in "protected" areas of Alaska (ANWR/Keystone Pipeline)
* Banning plastic straws/bags (Seattle, Rhode Island)
* Requiring school uniforms for all public schools
* Cloning/Genetic Research
* Protecting the "Dreamers" /DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals)
* Legalizing prostitution
* Legalizing marijuana for medicinal/all purposes
* Raising the High School drop out age to 18
* Stricter guidelines/monitoring of child beauty pageants
* Stricter Immigration Laws (i.e., Arizona)
* Stricter laws on Cyberbullying
* Should the NFL be responsible for players who attain brain injuries while "on the job"
* Requiring senior citizens to take annual driver's tests starting at age 70
* Gun control/Banning assault rifles
* Arming teachers in schools
* Stand Your Ground Law (supporting or repealing)
* Replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy by 2045
* Should individuals be paid for donating organs (i.e., kidneys)
* Should employers be permitted to review one's social network sites for jobs
* Stricter laws on texting and driving
* Should felons be given the right to vote (Vermont/Maine/Florida)
* Should felons who served time and have their voting rights restored (Voter Restoration Amendment)
* Increase the Federal Minimum Wage to $15 an hour
Attachment:- Persuasive Speech Topic.rar