Persuasive paper on a legal or ethical issue

Assignment Help Public Economics
Reference no: EM13961086

For your long paper assignment, you will be asked to write a persuasive paper on a legal or ethical issue of your choice related to the healthcare industry. The topic of the paper needs to be a narrow issue that you can research thoroughly and develop a persuasive position. The requirements for the paper are as follows:

  • The paper needs to be typed, double-spaced, and written in 12-point, Times New Roman font. The paper margins need to be 1-inch all around.
  • The paper needs to be 8-10 pages and needs to be written in APA format with citations.
  • You will need to include a Title, Abstract, Introduction, Body and Conclusion.
  • You will need to have at least 5 appropriate and credible references. You will most likely find that you will use several more. They can be books, journal articles, legal documents, medical or law review articles, etc. They can all be found online if you would prefer, just make sure you include a reference to the website so that I can find them when I check your citations. You are always welcome to ask me if you are uncertain about a source! (Wikipedia is never an acceptable source!)
  • The paper must be written in Standard English. This means that spelling, grammar, punctuation, subject-verb agreement, and tense all need to be edited and need to be consistent throughout the paper. If you are not fully confident with appropriate grammar within your writing, I would suggest you visit the Writing Center. There are excellent instructors there who are happy to help! I am also more than happy to help!
  • Please remember that the paper MUST be persuasive. You may (and should) present both sides of the argument you are making, but you must eventually pick a position and do your very best to convince me that your position is the correct one.

Reference no: EM13961086

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