Perspectives on diversity testing students for nclb

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Reference no: EM133243014

Assignment 1: Read: Perspectives on Diversity Testing Students for NCLB (No Child Left Behind), pg. 62Respond to the following questions in three hundred words:

1) If you were in Annette's position, what would you ?  What are you required to do as the teacher providing the accommodation that Dwayne needs?

2) Could teachers or test prompters guide students to the correct answers?

3) What could happen to a teacher who provided inappropriate assistance to a student?

4) What is the purpose of the annual testing of student achievement that is one of the key elements of NCLB?

5) Why are many teachers and parents concerned about the annual testing requirements of NCLB?

Assignment 2: Describe and evaluate a learning experience you remember from your own school days.

What made the experience memorable, and what role did the teacher play in the learning process?

Reference no: EM133243014

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