Reference no: EM132699288
Social Pedagogy and Ecological Theories Ecological Perspective Karen Campbell is in individual therapy this week, focusing on her previous traumas, family discord, and current drinking. Her therapist''s goal this week is to help her view these issues from an ecological perspective and from social pedagogy. Social workers need to understand competing social factors, as well as their impact across the ecological perspective. Assisting Karen in understanding her experience across the micro, mezzo, and macro perspectives may help Karen understand how all these contributing factors are impacting her life. Hämäläinen, in chapter 12, of Social Work Theory and Methods: The Essentials, states that social pedagogy is the holistic term for treating people with dignity and respect. This perspective includes exploring and understanding the community perspective and societal responsibilities. This theoretical framework connects social policies, social work, and organizational perspective to understand individuals.
It overlaps with community-based social work, and working with vulnerable populations. The ecological perspective focuses on how the micro, mezzo, and macro practices overlap and influence one another. With regard to both social pedagogy and ecological theories, NASW challenges social workers to "prevent and eliminate domination of, exploitation of, and discrimination against any person, group, or class on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, marital status, political belief, religion, immigration status, or mental or physical disability" (National Association of Social Workers, n.d.). References Thompson, N., & Stepney, P. (2017). Social work theory and methods: The essentials. New York, NY: Routledge. ISBN: 9781138629783. National Association of Social Workers. (n.d.).
TO DO LIST: What You Need To Know: Explore key aspects of social pedagogy and ecological theories and research possible evidence-based interventions that might be of use in the case of Karen Campbell.
Discussion: Identify the micro, mezzo, and macro perspectives of the therapeutic issues in Karen Campbell''s case (from the Campbell Family Case Study).
You will describe your assessment from ecological and social pedagogy perspectives and discuss evidence-based interventions you would use in the case. Assignment: Write a 3-4 page paper explaining your vision for leading effectively as a social worker, supporting your vision with a theoretical perspective and an evidence-based approach.
Assignment: Submit a comment in the text box to create a scoring opportunity so your instructor can assess your performance in Leadership Skills Role Play 1: Family Practice, in which you participated in a synchronous online session. Assignment: Attend and confirm your attendance at this week''s synchronous online session.
Discussion Overview For the discussion this week, you will identify the micro, mezzo, and macro perspectives of the therapeutic issues in Karen Campbell''s case (from the Campbell Family Case Study). You will describe your assessment from ecological and social pedagogy perspectives and discuss evidence-based interventions you would use in the case.
Assignment Overview For this assignment you will write a 3-4 page paper explaining your vision for leading effectively as a social worker, supporting your vision with a theoretical perspective and an evidence-based approach. Assignment Overview For this assignment you will submit a comment in the text box to create a scoring opportunity so your instructor can assess your performance in Leadership Skills Role Play 1: Family Practice, in which you participated in a synchronous online session.
Assignment Overview For this assignment you will confirm your attendance at this week''s synchronous online session. What You Need to Know Social Pedagogy In Thompson, N., & Stepney, P. (2017). Social work theory and methods: The essentials. New York, NY: Routledge, read the following: Chapter 12, "Social Pedagogy," pages 166-179. Use the Capella University Library to read the following: Hämäläinen, J. (2015). Defining social pedagogy: Historical, theoretical and practical considerations. British Journal of Social Work, 45(3), 1022-1038. View the following website, which contains information about how participants in foster care put social pedagogy into practice. The Fostering Network. (2016). Social pedagogy in practice.
In Thompson, N., & Stepney, P. (2017). Social work theory and methods: The essentials. New York, NY: Routledge, read the following: Chapter 15, "Ecological Theories," pages 202-214. Use the Capella University Library to read the following: Jack, G. (2012). Ecological perspective. In M. Gray, J. Midgley, & S. A. Webb, The SAGE handbook of social work (pp. 129-142). London: Sage. Academic Research Use the Capella Library to research evidence-based interventions that might be of use in the case of Karen Campbell, as described in the Campbell Family Case Study. You may want to use this information in this week''s discussion. Interactive Learning Module: Campbell Family Case Study Multimedia Review the Campbell Family Case Study interactive media activity. You will use information from this case study for activities throughout the course. Note: Complete the Intervention tab in the media activity only for the assignment.
LAUNCH INTERACTIVE MODULE Prepare: Synchronous (Live Online) Session In this two-hour session, you will begin by answering quiz questions assigned by your faculty as an entrance ticket. Following the close of the entrance ticket quiz, your faculty will open with a live discussion of skills and knowledge, bridging from asynchronous materials (resources in What You Need to Know) and lead to skills demonstration. Each learner is expected to verbally participate in this discussion. Please see the announcement section for the weekly Zoom link and call-in number. Learners are required to have their webcam on and be present visually throughout activity engagement for the full session. Learners are required to be professionally present on their webcams. This means they are professionally dressed, seated at a desk or table, with their camera facing them directly as if they were in an interview for a job or seeing a live client.
The background needs to be professional and private. The lighting needs to allow for faculty and learners to clearly see your face, the room cannot be dark or have so much back lighting that you cannot clearly be seen. Learners may not be engaging in any other activities, driving, or walking around during the live session for professionalism and for safety. Learners are expected to conduct themselves as if they were seeing a client or in an interview, as they are being assessed on their preparedness to enter field education. If learners are engaging in other activities, have other people present in the background or in the session with them, or are engaging in an unprofessional manner during the session (examples include, but are not limited to: eating, laying in bed or on the couch, caring for children, talking with family or friends, shopping, riding or driving in a vehicle, walking around their house or outside, cleaning, showering, smoking or drinking alcohol, on a cell phone with the camera moving around or facing the ceiling, etc.) they will be removed from the live session by faculty or administration and will be counted as absent. Learners may be referred for a Learner Code of Conduct or Professional Standards violation depending on the offense. Learners may fail the course if they are not prepared with professional demonstration. For any missed sessions, the learner must complete all make up work per the policy.
Faculty will also remain on webcam for the duration of the session and will be visibly present in observation of learner role plays. Faculty must be able to see and hear the learner, so it is imperative that learners test their webcam and audio prior to joining the session. It is also important to ensure your internet connection will be able to keep up with the session requirements. If learners cannot be seen or heard or are not able to stay connected, they will be counted as absent for the session. Each mandatory synchronous live session takes place on a regularly scheduled date and time that is announced in advance by your faculty. You must attend all sessions of synchronously (live) in order to pass the course. In extenuating circumstances as outlined below a learner may be counted absent for up to two sessions If you miss more than two sessions, you will be required to retake the entire course and redo all of the required expectations of this course. You must complete all attendance as outlined below. Write Your Discussion Post Ecological and Social Pedagogy Perspectives This week''s content examines and discusses strategies and standards of case management, the ecological perspective, and social pedagogy. We continue looking at Karen Campbell''s case, as described in the Campbell Family
Case Study: Karen Campbell, who was referred by her physician for counseling for case management services, reports being overwhelmed and depressed due to her children''s recent legal and addiction issues. She reports being very worried about her children and consumed by their issues. As a result, her marriage is starting to suffer. Karen reports she has had anxiety about her marriage, as her parents divorced after her brother committed suicide as a teenager. She states her "marriage cannot survive ongoing crisis with teenagers" and she is "afraid that I am going to shut down and my husband will find attention somewhere else, just like my parents did." She reports not eating or sleeping well. In addition, Karen denies that her drinking is a problem but her family reports that she drinks so much on a daily basis that she often passes out at night. In your initial post for this discussion, respond to the following: Identify the micro, mezzo, and macro perspectives of the therapeutic issues in this case and the reasons for those perspectives. Describe your assessment from an ecological perspective and a social pedagogy perspective. Discuss the evidence-based interventions you would use to intervene for each area of concern. Use theories discussed thus far in this course to support your assessment and interventions.