Personality development important for people

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Reference no: EM132140


Cognitive development

The cognitive development of human beings is concerned with the changes in intellectual abilities, including attention, memory, academic and every day knowledge, problem solving, imagination, creativity, and language.

(a) Describe, using a concrete example, the cognitive development of individuals. Explain the factors which contribute to such changes in the various aspects mentioned

(b) Can the environment or the genetic factors influence the development? Explain


Growth and development can be influenced by two sets of factors. The influence of these sets of factors have created the well known controversy.

(a) Identify and describe the various aspects found under each set of factors

(b) Discuss the controversy. Illustrate your views using concrete examples


Social Learning Theory

From the viewpoint of social learning theory, behaviour is not simply a function of unconscious motives (as in psychoanalytic theory) or underlying predisposition. Rather, human behaviour is a function of social learning and the strength of the situation. An individual behaves according to how she has learned to behave, as this is consistent with environmental constraints. If the environmental situation is prominent, the effect of personality traits or unconscious motives upon behaviour should be minimal.

Two of the primary mechanisms through which individuals learn are modelling and social reinforcement.

Modelling, or imitative behaviour, refers to the phenomenon of learning through observation.

Social reinforcement is based upon the notion that rewarded behaviours are likely to be repeated. Martens (1975) has defined social reinforcement as verbal and nonverbal communication passing between two individuals that can increase the strength of a response.

(a) Refer to the first paragraph above. Discuss the implications for professionals working in the education sector.

(b) Using examples show how the primary mechanisms through which individuals learn to behave are important to educators at all levels.


The concept of personality is so broad that it is difficult to define precisely. One definition that has stood the test of time was proposed by Allport (1937) who said Personality "is the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his unique adjustments to his environment". Hollander (1971) gave a similar yet simpler definition when he wrote that personality is "the sum total of an individual's characteristics which make him unique.

(a) Give another definition of personality, and explain the major concepts you have used in your definition

(b) Why is the concept of personality development important for people working with individual human beings?

(c) Which theory of personality would you consider as most appropriate for you as a professional in the education sector? Explain your choice



In the year 1910, John Broadus WATSON (1878-1958) one of the most influential figures in the history of experimental psychology and one of the pioneers of behaviorism, claimed that the concept of consciousness was unnecessary for psychology. He declared that the true and meaningful subject matter of psychology was the observable behaviour of men and animals. His aim was to transform psychology from a philosophical based ‘study of the mind' into a solid ‘science of behaviour'. This school's weak point was its more or less rejection of mental life and thought processes.

(a) Discuss the underlined statement

(b) Do you think that mental life and thought processes can be rejected, if we want to understand the behaviour of human beings?


Reference no: EM132140

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