Personal sources of enculturation

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Reference no: EM1383884

Sources of enculturation might be mother, father, other significant care giver, specific siblings, specific relatives, specific friends, specific religious or educational figures, other specific public figures, specific social or natural events, specific TV shows or movies or books or "celebrities," or any other specific phenomena you identify as significantly involved in your enculturation (your interaction with your environment as you were "growing up").

Reference no: EM1383884

Questions Cloud

Write a perl subroutine for temperature conversion : Write a perl subroutine for temperature conversion named ' convert_temp '. It should be able to handle both Fahrenheit to Celsius conversions as well as Celsius to Fahrenheit conversions.
Impact the organization and bring human resources : Is your supervisor correct in stating that reengineering the service processes can in fact impact the organization and bring human resources more in tune with the needs of the organization and its varying customers' needs?
Effects of socialization on gender : If you were asked to develop a "gender free" socialization model for a classroom or for your own home, what do you see as the major obstacles of implementing such a plan?
The channels of distribution are quite different : An important part of the service model is the distribution of supplementary services through physical or electronic channels of distribution. Within human resource management, the channels of distribution are quite different from traditional chann..
Personal sources of enculturation : Sources of enculturation might be mother, father, other significant care giver, specific siblings, specific relatives, specific friends, specific religious or educational figures
Create flow chart to get customer account data : Create the flow chart that gets customer account data which comprises the account number, customer name, and balance due. For each customer, print account number and name.
Electrical power plant burning coal problem : Assume that the energy contained in coal is about 10,000 Btu/lbm. An electrical power plant burning coal has an output capacity of 1200 MW and the plant converts about 30% of the input energy to electricity.
Waiting time distributed with an average of seconds : In a call center, the waiting time for a customer is normally distributed with an average of 65 seconds and a variance of 25 seconds
Discuss the major types of histone proteins : Discuss the five main types of histone proteins, and describe what role each of them plays in the nucleosome. Based on what you know about them,


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