Personal reflection of own values to cultural safety

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Reference no: EM131929003

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Assignment

Learning Outcomes -

  • Examine meanings of health and illness from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives
  • Appraise how historical events and government policies have influenced the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the health related risk factors for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
  • Identify effective strategies for health promotion and health maintenance for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
  • Explain the importance of cultural safety and culturally appropriate care and service provision for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
  • Apply critical reflection of own values and attitudes towards cultural safety and the provision of health care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities.

Assessment 1: Group presentation

Present one specific health care need related to Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander peoples (urban, regional, remote community)

Duration: 30 Minutes (25 mins PowerPoint presentation)

Aim of assessment - This task will provide students the opportunity to gain a critical understanding of the application of culturally safe nursing and midwifery practice in relation to Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people from urban, regional or remote communities. The aim of this assessment item is to develop your ability to work in a group effectively, create a PowerPoint presentation and present it in a professional manner.

NOTE: The focus of the presentation is culturally competent and safe nursing and midwifery practice -NOT patho-physiology.

This is a group activity, and all group members must participate in the research, development and/or presentation elements. Groups will have a maximum of 3-4 students, and will form from Week 1. Students are responsible for the organisation and collaboration required to complete this group task.

Details - This assessment is in two parts.

Part 1: An online Group presentation

Part 2: An In-Class Summary Presentation

  • Each PowerPoint presentation must have a maximum of 15 slides, timed to 25 minutes.
  • Up to 5 minutes ONLY of the presentation can be used to present a film clip, artworks, role play, case study etc, to add focus or flair to the presentation. This aspect is not compulsory. Any creative features used must be relevant to the chosen topic and fit smoothly into the rest of the presentation.

Before you begin, choose roles and tasks for each group member:

  • Decide who will be responsible for research, writing, design, development and oral presentation.
  • Choose one person who will be responsible for submitting the presentation transcript and link to view the Youtube presentation.
  • Communicate regularly to keep each other on track with progress. The group work contribution checklist is designed to assist you with accountability for group tasks. If you encounter serious difficulties with group communication/engagement, consult with your tutor as soon as possible.

Student directions for Online Group Presentation:

SECTION A: Select ONE healthcare context from the following:

  • Urban
  • Regional
  • Remote

SECTION B: Select ONE healthcare need from the following:

  • The consequences of past health care policies that have affected Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • Health promotion
  • Homelessness
  • Access to Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services
  • Health Literacy
  • The disparity in health status and life expectancy

SECTION C: Having chosen your health care context and health care need, select ONE health issue from below to focus on in your presentation:

Health issues for Bachelor of Nursing students ONLY:

  • Diabetes Mellitus,
  • Kidney disease
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Otitis Media

Health Issues for Bachelor of Midwifery Students ONLY:

  • Gestational Diabetes
  • Smoking cessation during pregnancy
  • Low Birth Weight infant
  • Foetal Alcohol Syndrome
  • Breast feeding

SECTION D: Carry out research to enable you to:

  • Discuss the links between culture and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health
  • Identify and explain the relevant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social determinants of health (other than culture) that impact your selected health issue
  • Consider your chosen healthcare context (Section A), chosen healthcare need (Section B) and chosen health issue (Section C). Critically analyse how you would demonstrate culturally competent and safe care if you were a Registered Nurse or Registered Midwife in this situation.

Suggested steps to complete the Online Group Presentation: 1. Create a PowerPoint presentation that:

  • Includes Introduction, Overview and Conclusion slides
  • Includes slides on the information described in Section D (above)
  • Includes a References slide
  • Read and use a minimum of 8-10 current, relevant and credible literature sources to inform your understanding and underpin your presentation.
  • Use thoughtful and appropriate visual images that demonstrate your knowledge of the topic area and your own cultural competence. Please consult your tutor if you are unsure about this aspect.
  • Critical thinking and creativity are essential components of the presentation. The design needs to be visually appealing and the delivery needs to attract and hold audience attention.
  • Prepare your group presentation in time for several rehearsals beforehand. Time the parts of the presentation.
  • Practise good teamwork in editing and recording your group speaking to the PowerPoint slides.

2. Create a Youtube clip of your presentation.

  • When you are satisfied with the final edit, create a Youtube version of the presentation. See the instructions available on the vUWS site at the Assessment tab.

Part 2 In-class Summary Presentation

Each group is required to present a 5 minute in-class summary, using one PowerPoint slide from their submitted presentation. They will provide a summary for their peers on a key learning concept or experience they encountered while completing the assessment task. Groups will respond to the following statement in their summary:

"What we now know that will transform our nursing/midwifery practice for improved Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander health in the future"

Suggested steps to complete the In-class Summary:

1. Present your in-class summary in your group during your allocated tutorial:

  • Use verbal and non-verbal communication skills to engage the audience.
  • It is the responsibility of each group member to bring a copy of the presentation on a USB to class, so they are able to present in the absence of another group member should this be necessary. Special consideration will therefore not be given to a student because another group member is absent.
  • Please be aware that this is an assessment item, so any student unable to attend their registered class on this day must submit a special consideration form with supporting documentation.
  • All group members will hand in a completed group work contribution checklist to their tutor at the time of their in-class summary (see earlier point about group communication problems). This will allow individual marks to be awarded for this assessment if necessary.


i. Examples may be available on the vUWS site.

ii. There are a number of textbooks and resources available through the Western Sydney University Library that may assist you. Please refer to the unit's vUWS site for specific unit resources.

Assessment 2: Personal Reflection of own values and attitudes to cultural safety in the provision of health care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities

Word Count: 1000 words.

Aim of assessment - The purpose of this reflection paper is to enable students to demonstrate personal insights of transformative learning experiences in the development of cultural competence and cultural safety, specifically related to Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Australians. It aims to demonstrate to students the effective consolidation of theoretical concepts and practices developed during the unit, in preparation for transition into effective nursing and midwifery practice.

Details - Using the Gibbs (1988) reflective cycle, write a critical reflection of at least one (1) highly significant learning experience that occurred during this unit with implications for your professional nursing/midwifery practice. Analyse how your critical understandings of a specific topic, for example, the concept of racism, land, history or the stolen generations, have developed from the highlighted learning experience/incident which occurred this semester in 401206. In particular, explain how this new knowledge has contributed to your understanding of cultural safety in relation to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. Reflect on changed perspectives you have noticed in yourself, and comment on how this shift may facilitate your actions of respect, cultural competence, communication, collaboration or decision-making.

Tip: The chosen insights should relate specifically to cultural safety for nursing and midwifery practice.

Use the Gibbs reflective cycle (1988) headings to structure your reflection. The headings below will assist you:

Description - What happened?

Feelings - What were you thinking and feeling?

Evaluation - What was good and bad about the experience? Why?

Analysis - What have you learned from this experience? How?

Conclusion - What gap in your knowledge/skills/attitude have you identified?

Action Plan - What action/s will you take to improve in future?

The personal reflection should NOT focus on the technical processes of the group (for example, how many times the group met/didn't meet, whether group members made contact/didn't make contact) but rather reflect on your own deep learning experiences.

Student Directions: Using the Gibbs (1988) Reflective Cycle completes the components as follows;

  • Describe in some detail the highlighted learning experience/incident.
  • Explain how this learning experience made you feel and why it made you feel this way.
  • Evaluate the positive and negative aspects of this learning experience.
  • Analyse how and why the knowledge you developed impacts on your own cultural safety.
  • Conclude what else you could have done to enhance this learning experience.
  • Action plan, what would you do differently to inform your future practice when caring for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities? Identify what new knowledge you require now to support this action plan.

Ensure you have included a reference list to support this assignment.

There is a word limit of 1000 words. Use your computer to total the number of words used in your assignment. However, do not include the reference list at the end of your assignment in the word count. In-text citations will be included in the additional 10% word count. If you exceed the word limit by more than 10% the marker will stop marking at 1000 words plus 10%.


i. Examples may be available on the vUWS site.

ii. There are a number of textbooks and resources available through the UWS Library that may assist you. Please refer to the unit's vUWS site for specific unit resource.

Reference no: EM131929003

Questions Cloud

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Share for the company before and after the debt issue : Determine the expected earnings per share for the company before and after the debt issue.
Personal reflection of own values to cultural safety : Personal Reflection of own values and attitudes to cultural safety in the provision of health care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
What kind of money is in what the fed calls m1 : The Federal Reserve has different "kinds" of money that they keep track of. So what kind of money is in what the Fed calls M1? M0?
Discuss the five areas of cultural importance for leaders : Human resources must acknowledge that they may possibly by managing according to their own moral code of ethics, which may not be the sociopolitical norms.
Write a term paper about the topic sexual harassment : Write a Term paper about the topic Sexual harassment in the work place.
What is the company cost of preferred stock-rp : The stock would pay a constant annual dividend of $5.50 a share. What is the company's cost of preferred stock, rp?



4/5/2018 2:42:09 AM

Assessment 1 Duration: 30 Minutes (25 mins PowerPoint presentation (online submission) PLUS 5 minutes in-class summary) Due Date to submit Group presentation: Monday 2nd at 1700hrs Due Date for in-class summary presentation: As allocated in tutorials Submission details: Refer to Student directions section below. This assessment is marked online and therefore no paper copy will be accepted. Marks, comments and the marking criteria will be released online.


4/5/2018 2:42:01 AM

This is a group activity, and all group members must participate in the research, development and/or presentation elements. Groups will have a maximum of 3-4 students, and will form from Week 1. Students are responsible for the organisation and collaboration required to complete this group task. Carefully read and understand the student directions below and the Marking Criteria (see pp. 14-17) to assist you in the development of your group presentation. If you need further explanation, consult your tutor as soon as possible and view the resources on the vuws site at the Assessment tab.


4/5/2018 2:41:55 AM

Prepare the required document and submit to Turnitin for marking purposes by 1700 hrs on the due date in Week 5: Each group must submit ONE assessment document via Turnitin which MUST include the transcript of the oral presentation, the link to the presentation on Youtube at the very to of the first page and the reference list at the end of the document. Ensure that ALL group member's names and student ID numbers are included at the top of the page under the link. Excellent introduction of group members, topic/s, aims and objectives. Outstanding, clear, concise conclusion, which includes original pertinent insights, and expertly draws upon all significant points raised in the presentation and draws these together in an expert manner.


4/5/2018 2:41:49 AM

Comprehensive critical analysis demonstrates sophisticated understanding of the topics. All key terms identified, defined and discussed clearly. The presentation appropriately discusses the selected health care need, the social determinants, links between culture and health and culturally competent and safe nursing and midwifery practice. Meets slide requirement. Provides a reference list of at least 8-10 scholarly, current and credible references which are highly relevant to the chosen topic. References consistently follow APA (6th ed.) style, including for text, images and oral content. Satisfactory peer review on group-work contribution.


4/5/2018 2:41:43 AM

Presenters are prepared and comfortable. Tone of voice, pace and volume is consistently appropriate. Ideas are presented very clearly. Presenters verbally and visually engage the audience. Novel and creative techniques are evident during the presentation. Outstanding, innovative and creative use of resources and strategies. The layout of information is exceptionally clear and organised, using succinct text and very creative slides. The information presented is correct, appropriate and of exceptional quality. Images used are superior, highly relevant and appropriate for the topic. Adheres to time limit.


4/5/2018 2:41:37 AM

Comprehensive critical analysis demonstrates sophisticated understanding of the chosen key learning concept/experience. Excellent application of group's insights on transformative learning to potential culturally competent and safe nursing and midwifery care. Adheres to time limit.


4/5/2018 2:41:31 AM

Assessment 2 Word Count: 1000 words. There is a word limit of 1000 words. Use your computer to total the number of words used in your assignment. However, do not include the reference list at the end of your assignment in the word count. In-text citations will be included in the additional 10% word count. If you exceed the word limit by more than 10% the marker will stop marking at 1000 words plus 10%. Due Date: Monday 23rd at 1700hrs.


4/5/2018 2:41:23 AM

Submission details: Refer to Submission Requirements - The personal reflection on the learning experience which occurred in 401206 this semester must be submitted electronically in word document format. Assessment 2 is to be submitted electronically as doc. or rtf. (Do not submit in Pdf.). The personal reflection should be saved as SurnamelD.reflection.doc or rtf. -This assessment is marked online and therefore no paper copy will be accepted. Marks, comments and the marking criteria will be released online.


4/5/2018 2:41:14 AM

There is a word limit of 1000 words. Use your computer to total the number of words used in your assignment. However, do not include the reference list at the end of your assignment in the word count. In-text citations will be included in the additional 10% word count. If you exceed the word limit by more than 10% the marker will stop marking at 1000 words plus 10%. Critically Reflective. Identifies own cultural biases, assumptions and stereotypes. New thought, knowledge, skills or behaviour is demonstrated, non- judgementalperspectives areintegrated. Examines personal experiences and attitudes critically. Analysis demonstrates clear yet complex self- appraisal and a capacity to engage with insights without defensiveness.


4/5/2018 2:41:07 AM

A deeply insightful, critical analysis of the concept of cultural safety and its relevance to personal learning experiences. Uses the Gibbs reflective cycle appropriately. Provides a reference list and in-text citations. Referencing APA (6th ed.) with no errors. Reference list shows breadth of reading and academic research. In-text citations are used where appropriate, and integrated into the writing well. Complies with word limit. Outstanding level of academic writing style and use of language. No errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar.

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