Personal reaction-descriptive writing

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Reference no: EM13158041

For an assignment (Grade 12 English) I am to describe my personal reaction when encountering a clock. It’s not supposed to be a description but my personal feeling toward a clock. It’s described as “Feel what comes to you when you encounter this clock. What does it most fully evoke in you – praise, honour, betrayal, anger? WHY! Bring it out, tell your story, find your passion in this moment of literary possibility.”

An example of the assignment was given. In this one the writer is describing a statue; he chooses to focus on how it is no longer profitable to society anymore.

" Bold, brazen and as sure as the iron that contains him is but a heartless, hollow-chested figment of human imagination. The irony! You portend terror, you inspire valour, and you disdain anything less. Alas, the untold portion of your fate found you bleeding in a desperate cry for redemption, admitting your failed cunning – but still you build. Still, you weave tales of possibility, hiding all else that would call you mistaken. Oh wondrous ambition for “progress,” when will you learn. Here, now, on the other side of glory, your legacy seduces, only to bid us as helplessly adrift in deceptive adventures, with no wiser an account for the toll of human pride. Speak no more oh foolish mantle. You pose betrayal."

These are some ideas I came up with. I now need to compile a paragraph. I want to base it on how time can seem like an enemy (more of an angry mood, or confused). Can you help me with compiling something?—Rest assured I’m not here to plagiarize; I want help with getting started

IDEAS (By Point)

Controls if it will be a good day or bad—it’s two faced “chime you set forth portends the terror of execution, yet rings in the new day”

The saying “Time is the enemy” certainly is true when it comes to deadlines and the like
It continues to foil us as we try to understand it more (time travel and the like)
It is probably the most misunderstood concept in physics (opinion)
It’s a jerk- It goes fast when you’re happy and slow when you’re upset
It holds all of history within its frame
The orbit around hands center; like that of the sun in our galaxy (impersonator of the sun)
Controls when the sun shall rise and fall (not really but in a figurative way)
Tells us when to sleep, eat, and rise.
It only gives us a certain amount of years to live.
Alarm is always obnoxious
We don’t have the power to change it, but it has the power to change us.
Set by the Almighty.
Two faced theme--It's different times in different parts of the world.

Seems like an odd project, but you know how it goes ;)

Reference no: EM13158041

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