Reference no: EM132408036
Write about what will you do in next 5-10 years and how will you achieve it. By using Leadership models, theories, traits and framework Leadership overall process plan.
Your executive summary for your final assessment should cover:
DO not do a Q &A or use headings, or dot points it is a guide only as to the content page
1. The aim of the report
2. Background briefing - your personal context, eg. Your qualification, country of origin; arrival in Australia; work experience roles; leadership roles-school, sport, family, community, workplace; CURRENT work role.
3. Key INFLUENCERS in your leadership journey. eg, family, teacher, manager, mentor - role models;
4. Your 5 Strengths (from Strengthfinders 1); correlation with other pysonometric tests. eg (MBTI/DISC/other
5. Top personal values (questionnaire, mod 6.1): readiness for change indicator (questionnaire, mod 5.2)
6. Feedback - key !earnings of giving AND receiving- identification of gaps, areas to focus on for your development
7. Personal leadership plan model (which one)
8. 2-3 key action steps you will take to start implementing your plan
9. So what? Significance- key deep teaming from preparing the plan.
Based on Part A of the assessment, I have found that you are a transformational leader. Your leadership style is strength-based leadership style. You are very creative that will help you in bringing creative ideas for the organization. Moreover, you can manage and arrange the resources effectively; it shows you managing skills that assist you in developing your work.
Strategic thinking skills will enable you to make strategic decisions for the firm and strategic goals for the team. As per the strength-based leadership theory, you can help the team members in developing their strengths so that they can perform well. You need to work more on building other skills to increase your effectiveness, such as communication and adaptability.
You have high interpersonal skills that allow to arrange the things in the manner with patience. Flexible nature will help you to adjust to changing situations of the business.