Personal definition of religion

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Reference no: EM133487654


1. Based on your experience, provide your personal definition of religion. Compare your definition with the textbook's definition. What do you see as the similarities and differences?

2. How does a personal religious practice or perspective differ from an academic religion study or perspective?

3. According to the readings, what are some key components of religion and its traditions? What similarities and differences do you see among various religions?

Reference no: EM133487654

Questions Cloud

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What do you think about project management education : What do you think about your project management education and experience thus far? A reflection describing your approach to project management.
Which theory or concept are you most interested in : Which theory or concept are you most interested in? Which theory or concept do you think explains the most about schooling?
Demonstrate how you can copy and transform : Demonstrate how you can copy, transform, and combine existing elements to create something original
Personal definition of religion : Based on your experience, provide your personal definition of religion. Compare your definition with the textbook's definition.
Identify bases of power underpinning influence tactics : Discussed in this subject, identify and discuss two influence tactics you used to persuade your team members regarding a specific issue.
Would benefit more from job order costing or process costing : Would benefit more from job order costing or process costing to assist them in determining the proper selling price for their product or service?
Explain why discussing the data and methods is important : Explain why discussing the data and methods is important to establish the validity and reliability of the research. Discuss any critiques you have of the Method
Important for a speaker to keep audience in mind : You learned why it's important for a speaker to keep the audience in mind. Pick one of the five categories of demographic traits from the reading.


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