Reference no: EM133255358 , Length: word count:2000
Consultancy in Practice
Assessment: Personal and Professional Report
Assignment Task Personal and professional development final report is part of the assessment for Consultancy in Practice. It is an individual written assignment (2000 words)
This is a 2,000-word document that details how you approached the identified problem and issues encountered during your consultancy project and outcomes which emerged from the project.
As such, the PPD final report:
1. May be written in the 1st or 3rd person
2. Identifies the steps taken to identify, reflect upon and address the problem you consulted
3. Indicates how the literature informed the process
4. Provides results and conclusions drawn from the process
5. Addresses a plan for action and for being a change agent in your professional
6. Most importantly: it provides both a narrative of the whole project and the iterative process of engaging with the identified problem and your client
To achieve a minimum pass on this report, you must provide an acceptable discussion of the background and aims about the identified problem for your client, relevant literature, steps taken to address the problem, results and conclusion, and reflection on your experience during the consultancy project .
Suggested Structure of the Report
Introduction. This should briefly outline the aims of the report. Sufficient backgroundinformation you provide about the problem should enable the reader to understand the nature of the problem you worked for your client.
Steps taken to address the problem. This should focus strongly on the contribution made by you to your team, and the contribution of the team, toyour thinking and action/engagement with the problem.
Critical Review of the Literature. This should provide a critical evaluation of the keypieces of literature which are relevant to the problem and you as scholar-consultant.
Results and conclusions. An aggregation, summary or other presentation of results
should be provided, and conclusions drawn from the results set out, and a plan of action for the next steps you have suggested to your client should be included.
Reflection on your experience and Looking Forward: This is your chance to reflect upon your interactions with your team and client and how you can improve your work in the future, based on this experience. Note any actions you want to take to prepare for your career. So, crucially, you need to consider the connection between what you learn and change for yourself and how you help others learn and change. You need to take responsibility for both processes and as a consultant. As scholarly practitioners, you want to show an ability to understand your thinking and how this affects what you do (This skill is often referred to as metacognition).