Perimeter of rectangle and measurements in centimeters

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Reference no: EM13162764

"Complete the following two programs:

Programming Problem 1

John wants to know the values of the area and perimeter of a rectangle. John can take measurements of the length and width of the rectangle in inches. John's measurements are expected to be accurate to within 0.1 inch. 

1. Identify the inputs and outputs of the problem.

2. Identify the processing needed to convert the inputs to the outputs.

3. Design an algorithm in pseudocode to solve the problem. Make sure to include steps to get each input and to report each output.

4. Identify two test cases, one using whole number values, and one using decimal number values. For each of the two test cases show what inputs you will use and what your expected outputs should be.

5. Write the program to implement your algorithm. Test your program using your test cases. Did your program produce the values predicted in your test cases? Explain.

Programming Problem 2

Shirlee is working with a measurement tool that reports measurements in centimeters. Since Shirlee is unfamiliar with centimeters, she would like her centimeter measurements to be converted into yards, feet, and inches. She would also like the result to be properly rounded to the nearest inch. As an example, if the measurement is 312 centimeters, this should be converted to 3 yards, 1 foot, and 3 inches. 

1. Identify the inputs and outputs of the problem.

2. Identify the processing needed to convert the inputs to the outputs. HINT: Convert centimeters to total number of inches first! (1 inch = 2.54 cm)

3. Design an algorithm in pseudocode to solve the problem. Make sure to include steps to get each input and to report each output.

4. Identify two test cases other than the example given above. For each of the two test cases show what inputs you will use and calculate what your expected outputs should be.

5. Write the program to implement your algorithm. Test your program using your test cases. Did your program produce the values predicted in your test cases? Explain.

For each of the two programming problems, create a program using Visual C++.Net. Make sure to capture a sample of your program's output. The best way to do this is to click on the console window you want to capture and then press the Alt and PrintScreen keys at the same time. Then paste your captured screen image into a Word document. For each of the two programs, put the screen capture followed by a copy of your source code into your Word document.

Your final programming document should contain in the following order:
1. Answers to all of the questions listed above.
2. Screen capture of the first program followed by source code.
3. Screen capture of the second program followed by source code.

Reference no: EM13162764

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