Performed comprehensive history

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133692493


A 12-year old boy arrives tot he physician's office who performed a comprehensive history and exam. The physician decided that the little boy needed a tonsillectomy emergently. The patient was taken to the surgery center then the physician carried out a tonsillectomy. What is the correct CPT Code? Remember to share your coding path.

Reference no: EM133692493

Questions Cloud

Develop your models to visual propositions : Visual Communication in the Built Environment, Develop your models to visual propositions that are sited, developed, and communicated as presentation drawings.
Adolescent complains of right knee pain : An adolescent complains of right knee pain but can recall no injury; however, the adolescent is active in sports.
Discuss the registration requirements and process : Discuss the registration requirements and process. Discuss the standards and procedures for the access and review of database information.
Promoting a Safe Environment of Care : According to your reading, Promoting a Safe Environment of Care, patient safety is affected by the environment of care.
Performed comprehensive history : A 12-year old boy arrives tot he physician's office who performed a comprehensive history and exam.
Discuss the effect of daily nurse workload on client safety : Example of poster presentation topic could be: Discuss the effect of daily nurse workload on the client safety and client/nurse satisfaction.
Examine any ethical considerations associated with the case : Examine any ethical considerations associated with the case. For example, consider patient consent, confidentiality, and duty of care.
Analyze the specific ways in which class structures : Analyze the specific ways in which class structures within the healthcare system create barriers to access, quality care, and positive patient experiences.
Research best practices related to a current health care : For this assignment, you will research best practices related to a current health care problem. Your selected problem or issue will be utilized.


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