Performance support to improve learning

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132824268

CASE: Using Performance Support to Improve Learning 

The training done in most companies is based on the formal learning that takes place in planned exercises and classroom activities. Despite this reality, some learning groups that have done well despite the uncertainty of the business climate have moved beyond this traditional model to a more employee-centered learning framework. Such a model is based on the idea that learning must be enabled and consistently supported by training professionals, and employees should to some extent self-direct their own training endeavors and learn how to apply the information on the job.

Informal learning can be created and managed internally in a company through a process called

"Performance Support". Performance Support involves giving employees informational assistance that addresses the issues they currently face while performing their work to increase job performance.

When managed properly by (1) clearly establishing how Performance Support will help the organization and (2) getting the firm's leaders and IT professionals to support its implementation, the process can lead to an increase in overall organizational effectiveness.

The home and furniture design firm Herman Miller set out to implement Performance Support as part of an effort to enhance employees' performance of their jobs. Herman Miller faced many challenges and opportunities that precipitated the move toward self-learning, including employees' low interest in formal training, an increase in calls to an understaffed help desk, and the unveiling of six new products.

In addition, the company highlighted many new competencies that individuals were expected to integrate into their daily functioning as employees. The Performance Support frameworks were launched in a way that did not intimidate workers, and additional models were slowly introduced as employees showed some success.

Companies can consider piloting the introduction and application of Performance Support systems as a way to make the learning occur in a more fluid fashion. The system should be managed so that the appropriate information is available to employees based on the history of queries that have occurred in the past. Additionally, access to the Performance Support networks should be made readily available on mobile devices so that information can be accessed anywhere and on the fly.

The use of Performance Support was much higher than typical classes being offered at Herman Miller, reducing expenses significantly for the organization. Competencies were also being cultivated in the workplace through the use of the Performance Support network. The company's IT Support Center, sales and marketing managers, and executive panel that developed the competencies were all strong champions of the program and were instrumental in developing subsequent awareness and support throughout the ranks.74

1. The case introduces a rather complex information-based approach to encourage learning on the job. How is this approach different from traditional training? Are there any similarities?

2.  How would you implement a Performance Support system?

3. What are the challenges and opportunities associated with a Performance Support informational network with regard to individual learning?

Reference no: EM132824268

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