Performance of analytical procedures at the end of the audit

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM132974251


1: Identify the audit procedures normally associated with subsequent events.

2: Can facts discovered after the issue of the financial statements have an impact on the auditor's report' Discuss.

3: How would you define the two types of events that occur after the reporting period' What are the potential accounting effects of each type"

4: What procedures should the auditor perform when a question arises regarding going concern?

5: What are the objectives of the management representation letter" Under what circumstances are management representations considered acceptable audit evidence'

6: Explain the purpose of the performance of analytical procedures at the end of the audit.

7: Identify the items that should be included on all working papers.

8: What should the auditor do when aggregate uncorrected misstatements are material'

9: Contrast the roles of audit managers and audit partners in the final review stage of the audit. Why would a firm require a second partner review?

10: Gtve examples of items that might be reported by the auditor to those charged with governance.

Reference no: EM132974251

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