Performance of a computer

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM1379545

Set-up a paper describing with some detail the following topics of computer processing: Each of the twenty items listed should be adequately addressed. You can either write a couple of sentences on each item or write a combined paragraph for each major area which covers all of the listed items. At least two different references are required. The word length requirement for this paper is 1000 - 2000 words, not counting the cover or reference pages.

1) Accuracy of data input is important. What method of data input (i.e. computer hardware device and software programs) would be best for getting the following information into a computer and expalain why.
a) Printed questionnaires, tests or survey data
b) Bank checks and/or Retail tags
c) Large documents (i.e. a book or something with >50 pages)
d) Voice or musical recordings
e) Photographs and/or Videos
2) Convenience and quality of data output are important. Explain what method(s) of output (i.e. computer hardware device and software program) would be best to produce an physical output readable by people and explain why.
a) Hand held computer / Portable Data Assistant (PDA) / Pocket PC data
b) Color or hi-resolution Black and White photographs already stored on the computer
c) Resume, Diploma or an important legal document (something nice enough to frame)
d) Memorandum or a standard letter
e) Large charts, posters and/or banner size materials
3) Different types of storage media (devices) are optimal for different situations. Explain what situations are appropriate for storing data on each of these devices and why. Provide comparisons of the advantages and disadvantages of each, including speed, access time, storage space, physical size, ease of use, etc. Which is fastest and slowest from the user perspective?
a) Hard disk (the main disk drive of the computer)
b) Floppy disks (i.e. 3.5")
c) USB Memory Sticks / Flash Drives
d) CD ROM and/or DVD (both read-only and read-write)
e) Magnetic Tape
4) Explain how each of the following affects the performance of a computer. Provide a comparison of which type of software (Word processing, spreadsheets, games, etc.) might be impacted the most. What about speed / response time? How can you fine tune your system?
a) RAM Memory (Too little or too much?)
b) Video Memory (Too little or too much?)
c) Clock speed (Can you impact this? How? Is it a good idea?)
d) Operating System (Vista, XP, Linux, ect.) - Why is one faster than another? Which is best?
e) Data and/or Programs stored on the hard disk (Main drive of the computer) or on external devices: CD ROM / DVD / USB Memory stick / Flash Drive. Does retrieving a large data file by a running program effect the response time? Why? How about too many files on your computer?


Reference no: EM1379545

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