Performance metrics in all types of industries

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133368271


Consider the application of performance metrics in all types of industries (manufacturing, service, education, healthcare, government, etc.). Using either your personal experiences or publications (e.g., peer reviewed articles, magazine stories, or newspaper accounts), create one post that illustrates an effective use of performance metrics and one post that illustrates the ineffective use of performance metrics. In each case, suggest why you think that the effort succeeded or failed.

Reference no: EM133368271

Questions Cloud

Analyze project using network-planning models : Explain what projects are and how projects are organized. Analyze project using network-planning models.
Quality and cost of warehouse operations : A supervisor's discipline helps ensure that employees follow established processes that are crucial to the quality and cost of warehouse operations.
Explain sources of variability-including level-variety : Improve your chain supply by analyzing to determine the degree to which you are institutionally set up to partner effectively.
What factors drive logistics business : What factors drive logistics business? How might traditional logistics players in Singapore and Hong Kong compete with the online giants of Alibaba and Amazon?
Performance metrics in all types of industries : Consider the application of performance metrics in all types of industries
Program of supply chain management : What is your interest in becoming involved in the program of supply chain management?
What elements of strategic sourcing process : What elements of the strategic sourcing process do you feel are the top candidates for improvement at Alligator, and why?
Rapidly changing management of supply chains : New Technologies are rapidly changing management of supply chains. Explain the technology that you have picked. Advantages and constraints of this technology.
Which of logistics activity : Is any logistical activity more important than the others? Yes/No, If yes which of the logistics activity is most important in the supply chain and why?


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