Performance measurement to determine its effectiveness

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133408392


Choose two products that you keep in stock and use regularly in your home. Think of items that could have a low inventory turn ratio if your home life were a business. For each item, use its volume or quantity and how often it is purchased to determine its ITR. Now consider or imagine the item's upstream supply chain. What measurements could you use to determine that item's overall supply chain performance? Using the template provided, you are tasked with significantly improving each item's supply chain in cycle time and cost. Using a minimum of five echelons, review each echelon (real or imagined), and provide a key performance measurement to determine its effectiveness.

Reference no: EM133408392

Questions Cloud

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What ways would the widespread adoption of clean cookstoves : In what ways would the widespread adoption of clean cookstoves address the global environmental issues discussed in this chapter?
Describe difference in terms of their definitions : Analyze how validity in psychometrics,is different from a validity scale in a test of personality and Describe this difference in terms of their definitions
Performance measurement to determine its effectiveness : Choose two products that you keep in stock and use regularly in your home. provide a key performance measurement to determine its effectiveness.
How could a counsellor ensure all participants : How could a counsellor ensure all participants benefit from the outcome and How have you compensated for lack of closure when leaving a group
Briefly explain seasonal affective disorder : Briefly explain Seasonal Affective Disorder, some of the hypotheses in regard to etiology, and forms of treatment
Marine transportation industry in Canada : Marine Industry Overview in Canada. Students are required to provide an overview of the marine transportation industry in Canada,
What is her perceived differentiation strategy : Overall do you think Susan has a sound business idea given her innovative differentiation strategy?


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