Perform your prime calculations in a single threaded way

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM133288771

Question: In Assignment 2 you had a menu that allowed you to perform your prime calculations in a single threaded way or an unbounded way. In this assignment we will attempt to perform the task in a bounded way using the Executor framework.

Add a menu item to your submission from Assignment 2. This menu item will say "Bounded Threadpool".

You will then implement a solution to the same problem we have had before (primes between 2-n with factorization for non primes) but you will do it using a bounded thread pool. This bounded thread pool should use either Callables or Futures to relay information. Do not use Runnables for this implementation.

There should be a sub menu that allows the user to submit the size of the bounded thread pool with an option for 0 being a default implementation that uses the number of cores on the clients machine + 1.

When finished, do a small write up that you will publish in your submission folder that details the runtime differences between the 3, and what the thread pool capacity was that gave you the best performance.

Reference no: EM133288771

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