Perform various analyses which will lead you to evaluation

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM131593704

Economics Assignment: Regresion Analysis

The study was based on the correlation of unemployment and crime. Needs to utilize an excel document in this analysis. 

Submit the results of your regression analysis for the demand function you are estimating for your term project.  Include:

  • The data used to estimate the demand model
  • The results of the analysis, an analysis of the results
  • Description of remaining issue that needs to be addressed before the final paper is submitted.

Using your inventory of data collected, you will estimate and perform various analyses which will lead you to an evaluation.  At the conclusion of your analysis you will address how this example can inform other real-world decision making in other organizations as well as your own decision-making and management skills.   

Statistical Analysis and Tests

1. Evaluate Adj R2.

2. Each variable (independent variables have to be tested by using t-test, so as to see whether each of the variables (exogenous or independent) that you have include in the function has an effect on the dependent variable (left hand side).

3. For t-test, the following steps should be followed:

(i) H0: β0 = 0

(Null hypothesis)

HA: β¹ 0

(Alternate hypothesis)

If t calculated > t table value (n-k) degrees of freedom


n = # of observations

k = # of parameters, i.e. # of right hand side variables plus the constant

then H0 is rejected, i.e. the variable you are testing has an effect on the dependent variable.

4. Do F-test, by following these steps:

(i) H0: β0 = β1 = β2 = 0

(Null hypothesis)

HA: At least one β is not equal to zero

(Alternate hypothesis)

(ii) If F calculated > F table value

Then H0 is rejected, i.e. all the right-hand-side variables are important.

Reference no: EM131593704

Questions Cloud

Assuming the market is in equilibrium : Assuming the market is in equilibrium, what does the market believe will be the stock price at the end of 3 years?
Discuss use of perpetual inventory procedure : Assuming use of perpetual inventory procedure, compute the ending inventory and cost of goods sold under each of the following methods.
Policy implications of modern biological theories of crime : Describe the policy implications of modern biological theories of crime. What are the social policy implications of biological and biosocial theories of crime
Provide an executive summary to your team : Provide an executive summary to your team on how to credential providers. Type of provider being credentialed.
Perform various analyses which will lead you to evaluation : Using your inventory of data collected, you will estimate and perform various analyses which will lead you to an evaluation.
How would a principal attempt to correct the childs actions : Using biosocial theories how would a principal attempt to correct the child's actions while at school
Discuss any potential treatments : Discuss any potential treatments. What is the potential psychosocial impact for the patient with the condition?
Discuss the term satisfaction-progression process : Maslow's needs hierarchy is supposed to operate according to a satisfaction-progression process. What is meant by the term satisfaction-progression process
Develop a list of generic evaluation criteria : Develop a list of generic evaluation criteria that critique valid practices when developing, or constructing, Charts, Tables and Graphs


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