Perform univariate and multi-variate analyses

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133544389


Case Study: Good Fitness Project

Objective: Preliminary Data Analysis. Explore the dataset and practice extracting basic observations about the data, using Python libraries.


I. Come up with a customer profile (characteristics of a customer) of the different products
II. Perform univariate and multi-variate analyses
III. Generate a set of insights and recommendations to help company in targeting new customers

Context - The data is for customers of the treadmill product(s) of a retail store called Cardio Good Fitness. The file "CardioGoodFitness.csv" contains the following variables

I. Product - the model no. of the treadmill
II. Age - in no of years, of the customer
III. Gender - of the customer
IV. Education - in no. of years, of the customer
V. Marital Status - of the customer
VI. Usage - Avg. # times the customer wants to use the treadmill every week
VII. Fitness - Self rated fitness score of the customer (5 - very fit, 1 - very unfit)
VIII. Income - of the customer
IX. Miles- expected to run

Explore the dataset to identify differences between customers of each product. You can also explore relationships between the different attributes of customers. You can approach it from any other line of questioning that you feel could be relevant for the business.

Minimum Steps for exploration:

I. Importing the dataset into Python & understanding the structure of the dataset
II. Basic summary of data and graphical exploration
III. Observations from the dataset

Best Practices for Notebook:

I. The notebook should be well-documented, with markdown cells containing comments on the observations and insights.
II. The notebook should be run from start to finish in a sequential manner before submission.
III. The notebook should be submitted as an HTML file (.html) and NOT as a notebook file (.ipynb)

Best Practices for Presentation:

I. The presentation should be made keeping in mind that the audience will be a business leader like CMO, COO, CFO, or CEO.

II. The key points in the presentation should be the following

1. business overview of the problem and solution approach
2. key findings and insights which can drive business decisions
3. business recommendations

III. Copying and pasting from the notebook is not a good idea, and it is better to avoid showing codes unless they are the focal point of your presentation.

Reference no: EM133544389

Questions Cloud

What areas did you find most surprising and why : What are your areas of strength? What are your areas of weakness? What areas did you find most surprising, and why?
Determine what tools could be used to make improvements : For each situation, determine what tools could be used to make improvements (i.e. listening more, empathy, more information, etc.).
Discuss the potential tax implications of leasing equipment : Compare and contrast leasing versus purchasing. Discuss the potential tax implications of leasing the equipment, assuming that the organization is a nonprofit.
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Perform univariate and multi-variate analyses : Perform univariate and multi-variate analyses. Generate a set of insights and recommendations to help company in targeting new customers.
Describe one federal and one state public healthcare policy : Describe one federal and one state public healthcare policy that affect the provision of patient care and healthcare delivery.
Identify ways that sharon can make positive first impression : Identify ways that Sharon can make positive first impression, using tacit communication, such as body language, tone of voice and so on. Explain your reasoning.
Describe professional therapeutic relationships : Describe professional therapeutic relationships with mental health consumers, carers, and significant others using empathic and compassionate language
What actions and alternatives are you prepared to consider : What actions and alternatives are you prepared to consider if you (Alice Jones) cannot reach a negotiated agreement within your Zone of Possible Agreement?


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