Reference no: EM131285532
Electrochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry
You will design and perform two virtual lab experiments for this Case assignment using the ChemCollective website provided by the National Science Foundation and Carnegie Mellon University. Then continue to the Amrita Virtual Lab website to complete the third laboratory exercise.
You must have the most current versions of Java and Quicktime in order to use this virtual laboratory!
Vitamin C content in peach
• Read the description for this virtual lab and perform the experiment described
• In your lab report include a brief description of the procedure and include the reactions used
• Perform the titration at least three times to get an average number, standard deviation and 90% confidence interval
• Check your answer against the computer
• In your discussion explain why your results may differ from the actual value
Exploring Oxidation-Reduction Reactions Design an experiment to order Cu, Mg, Zn and Pb from strongest to weakest reducing agent
• Read the problem description and design experiments to measure the relative oxidation potential of the metals
• Record your observation and present them in your lab report
• Outline your logic in ordering the metals
• In your discussion, answer the questions presented in the problem description
EMF measurement
• Read the theory and complete the self-evaluation
• Perform the EMF measurement laboratory according to the procedure
• Select three cathode-anode pairs on which to perform the experiment
• In your laboratory report, record the data indicated in the procedure
• In your laboratory report, show all the calculations that you used to get the results
• In your discussion, provide solutions to the assignment questions
Assignment Expectations
You will complete each of the activities above, and submit a lab report for each summarizing your objectives, procedure, and results. Submit all labs as Word documents or pdf files into your Case drop box.
Make a list of advantages and disadvantages of each strategy
: Assume that you are working in the marketing department of a major manufacturer of athletic shoes.- Make a list of the advantages and disadvantages of each strategy. Develop your recommendation.
Find an organization related to your health care
: Find an organization related to your health care discipline and identify the mission and vision statement. Based on your experiences as a member of the health care team, explain how the values of the organization are or are not reflected in these ..
Current status in probation and parole
: Give an overview of your state's current status in probation and parole.
Something lawmakers should address
: Do you think grievance procedures are something lawmakers should address? Or are they something that should remain between employees, their unions, and their employers? Justify your answer.
Perform titration three times to get an average number
: Perform titration at least three times to get an average number, standard deviation and 90% confidence interval. Check your answer against the computer. In your discussion explain why your results may differ from actual value.
Observe whether brand equity has been trending up or down
: Observe whether brand equity has been trending up or down over the past few years. How does Interbrand explain the changes (or stability) in each?
What benefits did the experience offer you
: Share a mentor experience from your personal or professional life. What benefits did the experience offer you? How might you mentor other providers seeking to advance in your discipline?
Implement career management
: As a manager, explain how you would implement career (talent) management. Justify your answer.
Biggest risk management issues
: What do you think are two of the biggest risk management issues a manager faces in today's work environment? What do you think are the best ways to mitigate these risks?