Perform the key activities

Assignment Help Visual Basic Programming
Reference no: EM132675897

FIT1013 Digital futures: IT for business - Monash University


Question 1. A User Form named -Main Menu- is presented upon opening the workbook. The user form will contain buttons to perform the key activities described in the points below (2-5). If the user closes the form, it should be possible to bring the form back by clicking on the button named "Show Menu" in the 'Menu' worksheet. This form should display the following options:
Customer (Add/Deletef.V. -Modify)
ii. Rental
iii. Return
iv. Summaly
ALL students need to complete and demonstrate Function 41 in Week 9 tutelab.
You do not need to demonstrate the complete functions 2-5 in Week 9. you only need to show the workable menu.

Each button in the main menu is co ponding to a functionality (2-5) described below.

Question 2. A User Form named "Customer" that allows the details of a customer to be added. modified and deleted. This form should allow user to cancel/close the form or to confirm before the details are added/changed to the -Customers" worksheet. If it is a new customer, then the details should be added below existing customers.

Note: The Customer ID is generated automatically by the system and increments by 1 each time. E.g. if the ID of the last customer (last row) is 5, then the new customer ID is 6.

ALL students need to complete and demonstrate Function 42 in Week 10 tutelab.

Question 3. A User Form named "Rental- that allows the details of a new delivered order, i.e. a rental to be entered.
The form should display an auto-generated Rental ID (in chronological order) when it is opened: a list of customers. CPs and a list of tech toy types, tech toy codes will be made available for selection. The delivery datelime will be entered manually.
ii. More than one type of tech toy can be ordered at a time. and it can be more than five tech toys. see existing orders in the Rentals worksheet for examples.
iii. The form should include a 'Add' button that transfers the details of the new delivered order to the Rentals worksheet. updates tech toy type availability in the Product Type sheet, and tech toy status in Product sheet then returns to the previous form i.e. "Main Menu- form.
iv. Highlight the collection date & time. rented duration and cost columns for this rental in light colour (e.g. red).

ALL students need to complete and demonstrate Function 43 in Week 11 tutelab.

Question 4. A User Form named -Return" that allows the details of a collection. i.e. the return of a specific tech toy to be recorded.
1. Each collection is corresponding to a specific tech toy rented.
ii. A list of tech toy codes for currently rented tech toy will be made available for selection. The collection datelime can be entered manually.
iii. The rental duration will be calculated and stored in Duration column in the Rentals worksheet.
iv. The cost of the rental (including the delivery charge) will be calculated and stored in the Cost column.
The cost of rental is calculated based on the type of tech toy. duration of rental and a delivery cost. Rental less than 24 hours will be charged for a day and delivery fee. For rental more than 24 hours. the due time is 12 noon. For example. 10 camera drones are delivered at 8pm on 1" September. and collected on ird September 11am will be charged for 1 day only. cost of renting a tech toy is $22 x 1 day + delivery cost $5. 10 drones will come to a total cost of $270. Customer can return partial rental. e.g. take 10 items but return 5 on a day, then return another 5 on other day. Apart from the rental changes for extra days. the second collection will attract another delivery fee 55 per item.
v. The form should include a 'Complete' button that transfers the details of the corresponding row in the Rentals worksheet. updates tech toy type availability in the Product Type sheet. and tech toy status in Product sheet then returns to the previous form i.e. -Main Menu" form.
vi. Remove the highlights (e.g. red colour) for the collection date & time. rented duration and cost columns for this rental.
vii. The deliver-collect tracking system used by SDR's driver is a mobile application that can scan the tech toy code during collection. and the collection data can be saved as an Excel file. An example file is given to you - -FIT1013 .42_2020 track.xlsf. Simon would like to have a button that can import these collection data from the Excel file and transfer to the Rental worksheet (same as the above steps). Name the button "Import from Track.

ALL students need to complete and demonstrate Function 4-1 in Week 12 tuteflab.

Question 5. A User Form named -Summary-, which allows the user to input a start date and end date. then
creates a Summary worksheet (which can be pre-created) that contain a summary of all delivered rentals between those dates. The information should be obtained from other relevant worksheets. The required information is described below:
Summary Sheet
This sheet presents a summary of the rental made to customers in a nominated period. For instance, in the period 1/8(2020. through to 31/8/2020. there are three deliveries. The information to be sha' on the Summary worksheet is as follows:
• The date on which the summary report was produced.
• The start date and end date which were specified in the nominated period.
• Customer name. It will be good to group the following data by customer.
The subtotal for number of tech toy delivered in the period.
: The subtotal of charges. i.e. total amount from collection in the period. : Number of items not collected yet.
• Grand total for number of tech toy rented and amount from rental (collected).
A button named -Print to PDF'. on the User Form to allow user to print the summary to a PDF file

Attachment:- Data and Track.rar

Reference no: EM132675897

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