Perform separate abc analysis for the largest spend customer

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Reference no: EM133393482

Question 1: Create three pivot table that summarize (1) quantity per sku, (2) quantity per customer, and (3) average spend per customer

Question 2: Perform an ABC analysis on all SKUs and report the percentage breakdown of A/B/C items.

Question 3: Perform a separate ABC analysis for the largest spend customer

Question 4: Using month, and week, create two regressions using each of these variables as IVs and quantity sold as the DV. What do the results tell you about the impact that each of these variables have on demand.

Question 5: For customer 18270, plot the demand overtime (i.e. chronologically), and choose an appropriate forecasting method. Report the next period forecast, and the error measures, along with the smoothing constant(s), as appropriate.

Reference no: EM133393482

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