Perform ordinary-least-square multivariate regression

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM131462507

Research Assignment:

Perform ordinary-least-square multivariate regression analysis to test whether change major is a variable dependent on sex, income, and race. Explain the selection of your control variables and justify it using relevant literature. Indicate sources and measurement methods. Write out the equation of the model you are testing. Write your result in a conventional regression table indicating slope coefficients, either t values or standard errors, levels of significance, and adjusted R-square values. In a method section, discuss problems of non-linearity, endogeneity, heteroskedasticity, and multicollinearity, and how you dealt with them. Produce a coefficient plot for the full model specification and a graph of the regression showing the line of best fit with a 95% confidence interval.

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Reference no: EM131462507

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